
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: DeadLift WOD: (Power Buster) 10 DLs 20 Hollow Rocks 30 D-unders 10min AMRAP L1- 275/ 185 L2- 185/125, 1/2 D-unders L3- 95/65, sinlges at the 13min Mark Ultimate Abs :30sec/ exercise x 3 sets – V-ups -Roll-ups -Dbl. crunch -Leg Lifts Rest 1min x 3 Rds 22mins Total  
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:  4 sets of ME Hang Strict L-sit, on 3mins (Test 3) -Hang in chair -L-sit with knees straight -L-sit with feel above hip height   WOD: (Fran) Fran (Test 4) 21-15-9 Thruster Pull-up 10min Cap L1- 95/65 L2- 75/55, jumping L3- 65/35, V-rows -should be able to get the first set of thrusters UB.
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: OHS Squat 5rm (Test 1) or Snatch 1rm WOD: (Re-take) 1000m Row (Test 2) rest 4mins 50 Burpees for time
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY: WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Come on in and make up a workout from the past week or work on a goat. Open gym hours are 8am-10am.
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Row-Vember was very successful! So what’s next you may ask??? Decem-Burpee! Yup, that’s right- December is all about the Burpees!!! Here’s how it works: –>Complete 2,500 Burpees in the “25 Days of Christmas” (100 Burpees/Day) –>Our studio goal is to complete 100,000 Burpees (that’s 40 people completing 2,500 burpees each) –>Any burpees we do in class such as the warm-up, WOD or buy-out will count towards your total! 3.2.1….GO!
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