
Believe it of not we are only a week away from 2012 and our only snow storm to speak of was in late October. Eventually winter will arrive (and probably in full force) so our ability to get in any hard running during WOD’s will be limited for a few months. Not to worry! We have some new toys on the way which will provide us with a fresh new array of untested CrossFit WOD’s to experiment with and keep our cardio in tip-top shape throughout the winter months of 2012 and beyond. Just yesterday we placed an order for 5 brand new Concept2 Rowers which are expected for delivery by January 10th. In the meantime, enjoy the “comfort and relaxation” of outdoor perimeter running because once they arrive we will be hitting some HARD rowing WOD’s. WORKOUT Of the DAY: EXP Skill/Strength: Deadlift 75% x 5 85% x 3...
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Now that all the busy-ness of Christmas is over and the holiday season is coming to an end we wanted to take a moment to tell you about our upcoming CrossFit EXP New Year’s Social on Friday, January 13th, 2012. We will have food and drinks starting at 7:00pm-10:00pm (4:00pm and 5:15pm classes only that night so get in early for a special team WOD). Also feel free to bring your own favorite dish or beverage. This night will give you a chance to meet and connect with some members from other classes you may not know and also get to know your coaches on a more personal level. We will also reflect about the crazy year 2011 has been and look forward to some exciting new changes happening at CFEXP in 2012. There will be an RSVP list at the studio on Thursday so please sign-up or shoot us...
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Just getting my nightly CrossFit video fix after a day “off the grid” at my parents house for Christmas and came across this video from a few weeks back on the CrossFit Games Facebook page. It’s of Kenneth Leverich of Orange Coast CrossFit doing “Godzilla” WOD. Check it out, this is pretty sick! 3 Rounds for time of… 1 Overhead Squat (300lbs/210lbs) 2 Rope Ascents (15 foot) 3 Squat Snatches (200/140lbs) 4 Muscle-up to HSPU Yikes! Maybe a goal for … 2018? WORKOUT Of the DAY: EXP Skill/Strength: Back Squat Final CF Total Week before re-test (Let’s make it count!) 75% x 5 85% x 3 95% x 1+ EXP Workout: WOD: [Boomerang] 4 Front Squats (185/135lbs) 12 Toes-to-Bar 5 Rounds for time 15 min CAP Post scores and time to comments below. …
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From the members: “As for CrossFit EXP, I love it! I am actually excited and motivated to go during the week! Since I started a month ago, I feel much stronger. Before starting, I was not a morning person at all. Now I go to the morning classes which gets me ready for the day! I have been to a few different gyms over the past few years and nothing compares to CrossFit EXP. The coaches are incredible and so motivating! They are constantly pushing you to do better and lift more to see the results you are looking for. Also, all of the other members of CrossFit EXP are motivating! I think it’s great that everyone is supporting each other! After being here for a month, I am completely hooked!” – Samantha (Thanks Samantha! We think you’re pretty great too! :)) WORKOUT Of the DAY: EXP Skill/Strength: Handstand Skillwork...
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Holiday Schedule: 12/25 Sunday – NO Class (Merry Christmas!!) 12/26 Monday – 8:00am and 9:15am ONLY! WORKOUT Of the DAY: EXP Skill/Strength: EXP Workout: WOD: [5K Walk/Run] At CFEXP we believe that health and fitness is a part of life, every day. So put on your INOV8’s, FREE’s or MINIMUS’s and get some fresh air and exercise at some point during the day. Inspire and motivate your freinds, familiy and relatives and have them join you. Post your route and comments below and have a Merry Christmas and happy holiday weekend from all of us at CrossFit EXP!! Post scores and time to comments below. …
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