
Want to learn how to become a faster runner and make running more enjoyable?? Saturday, Sept 17th, 10:30-1:30pm – POSE Running Clinic Are you that person who looks at the daily WOD and cringes when the word running shows up? Do you hate running SO much that you actually skip workouts because of it? Do you feel like no matter how much you try it just never seems to get any easier? Or are you already a super-star when it comes to pacing laps around the building but want to learn how to get even FASTER? If this is you then you cannot miss our upcoming POSE Running Clinic… Learn more. . . WORKOUT Of the DAY: EXP Strength: Squat Clean 5 x 3RM EXP Workout: WOD: “Elizabeth” Compare to 7.26.11 21-15-9 Squat Clean (135/95lbs) Ring Dip 15 min CAP … Post scores and comments below.
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… WORKOUT Of the DAY: EXP Strength: HSPU 3 Reps OTMEM x 10min. (Pick a version that is challenging for you to get 3 reps for all 10 sets) EXP Workout: WOD: “Striker” 400m Run 20 Wall balls 15 C2B Pull-ups 10 Box Jumps (30/24″ – Comp Standard) 3 Rounds for time 20min CAP … Post scores and comments below.
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… WORKOUT Of the DAY: EXP Strength: Deadlift 5 x 3RM EXP Workout: WOD: “Egg Scrambler” 10 rounds for time. 3 Power Cleans (185/135lbs) 7 Lateral Burpees (over bar) 20min CAP … Post scores and comments below.
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I just want to take a moment to thank all of our athletes, coaches, members, friends, family and spectators who came to share in our CrossFit EXP comp team exhibition on Saturday. The amazing athletic performances from all of our athletes was impressive to say the least and showed just how hard we all work day in and day out at the studio. At the end of the day we had our top 3 men and women step onto the podium to celebrate posting the best results for the day. For the women we had L1 taking 3rd place and Kelsey McBride from CrossFit Wachusett in 2nd. Heather proved to be the overall fittest woman at the studio by taking the overall lead after 3 grueling workouts. On the guys side we had Brian in 3rd and Matt Prendergast from CrossFit Wachusett in 2nd place. Leo proved to be unstoppable...
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Today we will be hosting our first CrossFit EXP Exhibition and Garage Games training prep day. Members, friends, family and spectators are all welcome to spend the day or just a few hours with us and see what the CrossFit EXP comp team is all about. WOD’s will be at 8am, 10am and 1pm and they will be a blast to watch! Hope to see you there! Also, don’t forget that RootsFest is from 10am-3pm so there will be lots to do throughout the day including fun family friendly activities, health and fitness classes, live music and a FREE Organic & Natural BBQ from 12-1:30pm. …
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