Buying local is getting easier and cheaper all the time. I see farmer’s market stands all over the place. Not only produce is being sold either, you can find eggs and even grass fed beef right in our area. My Dad is an organic farmer and grows for a market in his area (Ellwood Thompson’s, Richmond VA). I went to their website to get the basics on how important it is to buy local. The main reasons include: it tastes better, it’s better for you, it is not genetically modified, it supports local farm families, it supports community, it keeps your taxes in check and it helps the environment.
Right now apples are in season big time. I know that one highlight of our Team ThrowDown was Tiff’s apple crisp. So check out the recipe below and go out and buy some local apples, there are lots to choose from!
Karen 🙂
Tiff’s ThrowDown Apple Crisp
Filling: 10 Sliced Apples, 2T Honey, Lemon juice, All Spice (to taste), 1/4 C Arrow Root Flour
Topping: 1 C Almond Flour, All Spice , Cinnamon (to taste), 2T Honey, 1/2 C Pecans, 1/2 Dried Apricots
Bake @ 350 for 40 minutes
WEDNESDAY – 11.3.10
L-sit 30s x 4
“Figure it Out“ – complete the following for time…
100 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
100 Prisoner Lunges/side
100 Burpees
100 V-ups
100 Good Mornings (45lb bar)
30 min CAP
Post time to comments.
FREE FitCamp Kids Preschool Class November 10th 10:30-11:30 (Ages 3-5). RSVP to Dawn at 978.537.4200 or via e-mail