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Skill/Strength: None
Buy-in: None
WOD 1: [Team Box Relay]
10 Burpees
15 KB Swings (53/35lbs)
20 OHS (45/35lbs)
25 HR Push-ups
30 DL’s (135/95lbs)
35 D-Unders/100 Singles
30min CAP
**Using 3 rows of 6 taped out boxes on the floor. Split class into 3 equal teams. All teams start at front end of room, one athlete enters first box and completes 10 burpees before moving onto 2nd box and so on. Must keep athlete order and exercise order. Team objective is to work through boxes as fast as possible
racing adjacent teams. No lapping or passing allowed. First team to get all athletes through 3 RFT wins.
Optional Buy-out: Individual Box Relay Time Trial (1 round through box relay as fast as possible).
Post scores to comment box below.