Welcome to EXP!

New Member Checklist

Here's a 4 step quick start checklist to help you get started as a new member at EXP...

1. How To Reserve Classes

Watch this quick video (or read below) to learn how to reserve a spot in an upcoming class.

All members are required to reserve their spot in advance for each class they attend, and then also sign in when they come in for class. To do so all you need to do is…

  1. Go to our website at www.CrossFitEXP.com and click on the class schedule.
  2. Select the class you want to attend by clicking the “reserve” button.
  3. Log in using your e-mail and password you set up when you joined.
  4. Follow the prompts to reserve your class/es.

That’s it! Then when you show up for class simply sign in with the click of a button on the i-pad at the front desk. 

2. Join Our Member Community

Ask questions 24/7, connect with your fellow EXP members, hear about upcoming events and stay up to date with all things EXP...

Our private member’s only Facebook group is a great place where you can connect with your EXP coaches and fellow members during the other 23 hours a day you are not at EXP. To join the member group simply click on the button below and request that we add you…

3. Download SugarWOD

SugarWOD is an app we use to host and share all our WOD's (Workout Of the Day). This is also where you can track all your lifts, PR's, workout times as well as see our gym leaderboards for each WOD...

As part of your membership you get full access to our EXP program on SugarWOD. To set-up your profile and start using SugarWOD complete the steps below…

  1. Download the SugarWOD app using the button below
  2. Search for our gym… CrossFit EXP
  3. Use the code… “EXPCREW” (without quotes)

That’s it! You’re IN and from there can set up your user info, view upcoming workouts, log your lifts, record scores, view leaderboards and more…

4. Follow Us On Social

Get your daily dose of EXP by following our EXP Facebook and Instagram pages...

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay connected and up to date on all the awesomeness that happens each and every day at the gym and within our EXP community.

5. 6-Week Nutrition Guide

SugarWOD is an app we use to host and share all our WOD's (Workout Of the Day). This is also where you can track all your lifts, PR's, workout times as well as see our gym leaderboards for each WOD...

As part of your membership you get full access to our EXP program on SugarWOD. To set-up your profile and start using SugarWOD complete the steps below…

  1. Download the SugarWOD app using the button below
  2. Search for our gym… CrossFit EXP
  3. Use the code… “EXPCREW” (without quotes)

That’s it! You’re IN and from there can set up your user info, view upcoming workouts, log your lifts, record scores, view leaderboards and more…