WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: 15 minute Power Snatch & Bar Muscle Up or Jumping C2B Practice WOD: [ 16.3 ] Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of: 10 power snatches 3 bar muscle-ups Men use 75 lb. Women use 55 lb. Notes This workout begins with the barbell on the floor and the athlete standing tall. At the call of “3, 2, 1 … go, ??? the athlete will perform 10 power snatches, then move to the pull-up bar to perform muscle-ups. After 3 reps, the athlete will move back to the barbell and begin their next round. Your score will be the total number of repetitions completed within the 7-minute time cap. Tiebreak The scoring for this workout includes a tiebreak. At the end of each round, time should be marked. When you submit your final result, your score will be the number...
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