
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH:Goat Day- Pull Choose 1 of the following and complete 4-6 reps OTMEM x10mins -Austrialian Pull-up -Negative pull-up -Strict Pull-up -TTB (sting together) -CTB Pull-up (Strict or Sting together kip) -M-up, Bar or rings WOD: [ “DT” ] 12 DL 9 hang Cleans 6 P Jerks x 5 Rds L1-155/105 L2/M-115/75 L3-96/55 10min Cap
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH:P clean and Jerk building WOD: [ 10’s ] 10min AMRAP 10 Box Jumps 10 OHS L1- 24/20, 95/65 L2/M-20/ 175/55 L3-, 14/ plate, 45/35 (F Squat if needed)
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH:B Squat 10.10.10 across -shoot for a little less weight then your 10rm, but try to hit the same weight for all three sets. WOD: [ Monkey Around ] 21,18,15,12,9,6,3 TTB Burpee L1- rx L2/M- KTE L3- Squat thrust, knee raise 15min Cap
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Open Gym ] 9:15-10:15am.
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Kevin is an International CrossFit coach, who, before starting his world CrossFit tour, worked with Jason Khalipa at NorCal CrossFit. Having spent a lot of time with several elite level CrossFit athletes, including Jason, Neal Maddox and Dan Bailey, studied Strongman with Worlds Strongest Man competitor Derek Poundstone and Powerlifting with Ed Coan (the first man to back squat 1000lbs), Kevin has a wealth of knowledge to share, being able to relate the techniques and dynamics of powerlifting into the CrossFit domain. This workshop will cover the CrossFit Total! -The Back squat -Strict Press & -DeadliftKevin will cover everything from positioning to muscle recruitment. There will also be open lifting time, giving athletes an opportunity to apply the points of performance under the coaching of Kevin!The cost of the clinic will be $60 for 4 hours, you can REGISTER HERE!  Head on over to our Facebook event to learn more...
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