
 Today is the start of our next 6 week training cycle! Be sure to be in classes this week for testing! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Back Squat 5m (Test) WOD: [ Hoggie Peppers ] 400m Run 20 P Snatches 10 Burpees x 3 rds 15min Cap L1-95/65 L2/M-75/55, 300m L3-65/35, 200m
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Open Gym ] Open gym 9:15-10:15am. Buy-Out: Rest Day.
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Good luck to our EXP Athletes competing this weekend at 2 local events! CrossFit Iron Spider-Witch City Throwdown Saturday @9am Old Colony CrossFit Wod-O-Ween Sunday @8am We’d love to see lots of EXP supporters in the crowds! If you get a chance, head down to these events! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Sweat it out ] Fun workout with coach Dave! Buy-Out: None.
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: 3rm Jerk (Test#5) WOD: [ Accent ] 400m Run ME Thrusters (95/65) until the 4min mark Rest 1 min 400m Run ME TTB until 4min mark Rest 1min 400m Run ME Plyo Lunge until 4min Mark -runs should be sub 2mins Buy-Out: A) Ultimate Abs Complex x 4 sets= 10 V-ups 10 Roll-ups 10 Double Crunches 10 Leg Lifts 10 Strict Sit-ups -get all the ab exercises in a row, unbroken B) 4 x 40sec HS hold between each set
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Congrats to Dana for being our first female to hit the 200# clean club! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Partner Wod ] 400m Tire Drag (45/25) 400m Farmers Carry (45/30) 400m Sandbag Run (40/30) 4 Prowler Down & Backs (140/90# on the sled) Row 500m between each task (250m/partner) break up the order any way Buy-Out: Accumulate 160sec in a HS Hold
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