PARKING AT EXP: Please DO NOT park in our neighbor’s spaces, even in off hours. The spaces facing Crawford Street are available as well as the 3 front spaces outside our door. Overflow parking is available around back of the building. Thank you for your attention to this! Details for Saturday’s MURPH Event: –>Individuals doing WOD chipper style have the option to start at **8am** (gym will open at 7:30) –>All others please plan on arriving at **9:30am** for the WELCOME, WARM-UP & NATIONAL ANTHEM and 10am sharp start time. BBQ will immediately follow from **11am-1pm**. Please bring a dish to share. PARKING will be allowed in the following locations: Spots facing the Road Across the street Back of building Please DO NOT park in our neighbors spots marked with their businesses. T-SHIRTS will be available for ORDER on Saturday. MONDAY’S HOLIDAY SCHEDULE: 9:15AM CLASSES ONLY WORKOUT OF THE DAY:...
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