
LAST CALL!!!  CF EXP 3-Day Refresh December 1st-December 3rd! In just 3 short days you can get your health, energy and cravings back on track- all without starving. You will feel lighter and more energized (and your clothes will fit better too!) Order your kit HERE by 11/21!   **SAVE THE DATE: Saturday November 29th** 1/2 Marathon Row! 7am Individuals, 9am Teams of 3-5. Start putting those teams together!  CF EXP November & December Calendar of Events: 12/2 EXP Kids Program Launch. Sign up HERE! Every Saturday! Mobility Class w/Jenn 10:30-11:00am WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: A) 4X3 Power Snatch-heaviest possible, rest 90 sec. B) 4X ME UB C2B Pull-ups – rest 90 sec. WOD: [ Kanga Manga ] 10 DB Snatch (alternating) 10 Burpee Box Jumps 20 DB Snatch (alternating) 20 Burpee Box Jumps 20 DB Snatch (alternating) 20 Burpee Box Jumps 10 DB Snatch (alternating) 10 Burpee Box...
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Family Always Comes First! At about 12:30am Tuesday November 18th, Natasha received a call from her sister and could tell she was in distress. She explained that there had been a fire, everyone was okay but that all of her appliances were gone, she lost all of her shoes and some clothing and what hit Tasha hardest is that her nephew lost mostly all of his winter jackets, shoes and toys. While the family is most thankful that no one was hurt, Tasha trying to do what she can to help out.  She has put together a fundraising page at  Also, if you would like to pass along boys winter clothes size 6/7 to Tasha’s nephew, you may leave them at the studio.  We appreciate everyone’s support!  **SAVE THE DATE: Saturday November 29th** 1/2 Marathon Row! 7am Individuals, 9am Teams of 3-5.  Start putting those teams together! CF EXP...
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH:B Squat Building SS w/ 3-5 Strict Pull-ups Between each set WOD: [ Arbor ] 15 Burpees 15 Pull-ups 150m Run x 4 rds 14min Cap L1-rx L2/M- Banded Pull-up12 Burpees L3- V-row,10 Burpees Core Buy-Out: 4 x 1min Wt Hover, harder version then last week Post scores in comments below.
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The EXP Kids Program is BACK! Our EXP Kids classes combine gymnastics, body weight exercises, calisthenics and weight lifting fundamentals into a high energy, challenging and fun workout for kids ages 4-7 (Our “Little Dragons???) and ages 8-13 (Our “EXP FireBreathers???). Your kids will learn proper exercise form and technique using a variety of exercise tools, formats and challenges. Kids classes will also emphasize teamwork and positive motivation to help build self-esteem and self confidence inside and out of class. To learn more about the program, visit our EXP Kids Page. Register Here! CF EXP 3-Day Refresh December 1st-December 3rd! In just 3 short days you can get your health, energy and cravings back on track- all without starving.  You will feel lighter and more energized (and your clothes will fit better too!) Order your kit HERE by 11/21!  CF EXP November & December Calendar of Events: 11/3-11/29 Row-Vember Every...
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The EXP Kids Program is BACK! Our EXP Kids classes combine gymnastics, body weight exercises, calisthenics and weight lifting fundamentals into a high energy, challenging and fun workout for kids grades PreK to 2 (Our “Little Dragons???) and grades 3-6 (Our “EXP FireBreathers???). Your kids will learn proper exercise form and technique using a variety of exercise tools, formats and challenges. Kids classes will also emphasize teamwork and positive motivation to help build self-esteem and self confidence inside and out of class. All EXP Kids classes are 45 min in duration and are taught by one of our Certified EXP Kids Coaches. EXP Kids Class Schedule: TuTh 3:30-4:15PM (Grades 3-6) TuTh 4:15-5:00PM (Grades PreK-2) (Check our schedule for updated class days and times) Upcoming Launch: NEW! December 2nd, 2014 – January 15th, 2014 (*no classes Th Dec 25 or Th Jan 1) Pricing: EXP Kids 6 Week Session (12 Classes) Active EXP Members...
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