Details for Saturday's Event: 2K for Kare Kits Time: Saturday 9/6 8:00am- 10:00am. The gym will open at 7:30am for your to start arriving and warming up. We will start group warm up at 8:00am sharp! Parking: ALL CARS MUST PARK ACROSS THE STREET SATURDAY! Our neighbors at Roots are hosting Roots fest and will be setting up the event in the parking lot. Please park in the lot across the street and walk over. The WOD: Co-Ed Teams of 5 complete the following in chipper format. Each team has 1 rower and each athlete much complete a 2,000m row before the completion of the WOD. Two athletes working at a time with one athlete on the rower. 200 Pull Ups 300 Kettle bell Swings 400 Wall Balls 500 Burpees Teams: You are welcome to coordinate your own team, however, this is not required. We will coordinate teams the morning...
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