TODAY’S WORKOUT Strength: Handstand Push-ups Pick a challenging variation and complete 3 reps on the minute every minute for 10min. Workout: 21-15-9 Power Clean (135/95) Burpee 8 min CAP WOD2: Partnered Foot-2-Bar or Knees to Elbows 5 sets of 10 strict reps alternating sets with partner (that’s 5 each, not 5 total) Goal: This is our second high intensity, short duration workout this week. These shorter workouts should feel like some of the hardest challenges you do in class. Just because they are short does not mean they should be easy. From 3…2…1…GO! I want you to go hard and fast ripping through “touch and go” cleans and lightning-quick burpees like nobody’s business. No time for breaks, water or tissues, just you against the clock. Push through those sticking points where you start to questions whether or not you can take any more or go any faster and get it...
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