
Strength: Power Snatch WOD:  “Deadly Doubles” 10 Deadlifts (75%/BW) 30 Double Unders 5 rounds for time Paleo Challenge:  Day 9 …
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Today marks 1 week since the beginning of the 12 week Paleo Challenge and I have one simple question for you, how are you doing? Are you feeling healthier, more energized and happier now that you finally have control of your nutrition? Do you feel leaner and are your clothes starting to feel looser with those first 3-5 lbs of extra weight now gone? Is eating Paleo easier than you thought and can you close your eyes and envision how amazing you will look and feel at the end of this 12 weeks? Or maybe this picture perfect start is not exactly the answer you would give to my initial question of how you are doing.  Sadly, I imagine that only about 1 out of 10 who started this challenge actually fit into the “fairy-tale” beginning described above. This fact is one that has intrigued me for years. Why is it that so many people can have...
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If you haven’t had a chance to read the comments on today’s post make sure to check them out. This is exactly what makes us so different from just a regular gym or studio. How many times have you been at a traditional gym or in a group fitness class and actually seen members motivating eachother by yelling, cheering, staying late and going the extra mile to help someone experience an amazing breakthrough workout… answer:  NEVER! To all the members and staff at the FitCamp studio, to the 6:30am class this morning, to Tiffany who is an incredible coach and to you just for reading this… You people ROCK! …
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I have heard great feedback from many members about  their success within the first week of the paleo challenge.   That is great news and I hope others are beginning to feel the benefits of clean eating.  One meal that some seam to be hitting a “writer’s block” on is breakfast.  Below I have 3 recipes that make for great breakfasts, or any meal of the day for that matter.  Continue down the paleo path  and try to think outside the box!  If anyone has found other paleo breakfast ideas that have worked for them please share in the comments, we would love to hear! Fruit Smoothie Ingredients: 1 Scoop Hemp or Egg protein 1/2 c Almond or Coconut milk 1/2c Water Handful of frozen fruit such as berries or mangos Directions: Blend everything in the blender or magic bullet- a super quick and easy breakfast! Sausage & Apple Flat Cakes Ingredients: 5...
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I am sure you’ve heard the news about our competitive training team. If not, this will help! We are putting together a competitive training team, for those who want to acheive specific goals within the sport of CrossFit and try to excel as much as they can. This team is going to be training together and working on their weaknesses, and trying to push each other as far as possible from now until Spring. The main purpose is to increase everyone’s fitness and to have focus for the next 3-5 months on a specific goal, that being the Crossfit Games Qualifiers. This sport is defining what fitness is, and they compete to see who is the fittest man/woman on the planet. They have sectional and regional competitions to qualify for their national event held in California in July. Wanting to gain as much fitness as possible between now and then, our team will...
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