Saturday 5.10.14

Join Jenn St. Laurent every Saturday at CF EXP from 10:30-11am for 30 minutes of mobility!  

Jenn is the owner of The Dolphin Studio.  Her Yoga, Pilates or TRX Suspension Training Classes are designed to educate and inspire people of all levels of fitness. Check out the Dolphin Studio Schedule HERE.  Email Jenn to stop by for a class or to learn more about her programs.

Happiness is…Running 800's with your dog!



WOD: [ Pacific ]

800m Run
50 KBS
50 Bicycles/ Side
800m Run
50 Bicycles/ Side
50 KBS
800m Run

L1- 800m, 53/35
L2- 600m, 44/26
L3- 400m, 35/18

10:30am Mobility Class with Jenn

Team Training: strength/skill work 8-9am, WOD @ 9:15.

Mobility May Squat Challenge: 10 minutes

Post in comments below.


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