Tuesday 5.10.11

Tough Mudder 2011


Strength: Max Back Squat
6 sets, building each set to establish your 1 rep max weight.


400m Run
Max Pull-ups
20 min AMRAP

Score is total number of pull-ups completed.

Goal: This is a medium duration, sustained intensity workout with a 20 min CAP. Your goal today is to sustain your effort during the entire 20 minutes and take minimal breaks, keep your body moving!


MAY 2011 Athlete of the Month! – To be announced Wednesday, May 11th at noon!!

2011 CrossFit Games North East RegionalsJune 17th, 18th and 19th in Canton, MA at the Reebok Headquarters. This event is going to be INCREDIBLE so block off one or all of those dates to head on down and check it out with a few FitCamp friends.

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