Wednesday 9.11.13

“The moment to spend with a husband who loves me, or a sick friend, or a delicious new grandchild is here and now.   Not some time later …. The nation learned this lesson all at once that horrible day in September 2001. The pictures stay with us – the fires and falling debris, and, most hauntingly, the faces.   Look how young so many of them were, people who thought there would be much more time, a lot of ‘later’ when they could do all the things they really wanted to do.   I grieve for their families -especially for those, like me, who haven’t found any trace of the people they loved. But I grieve even more for the people who died that day.   They couldn’t know what we know now about the precious gift of time.”
-Cokie Roberts, contributing senior news analyst for NPR News

Remembering those who lost their lives on 9.11 today


Strength: None.
WOD: [ 9.11 ]
with a partner complete the following, 1 person working at a time:
2000m Row (switching every 500m)
3 Rds:
300′ Tire Drags (45/25)
40 Push Ups
300′ Walking KB Goblet Lunges (53/35)
finish with
2000m Row (Switching every 500m)
*Each team has a KB (53/35) which cannot touch ground (or either partners’ legs) entire WOD. Each time it drops= 15 burpees/partner.
Buy-Out: Mobility.
Team Training: Easy Cardio- sweat for 15-20 min & 30 min mobility. Optional goat work. Keep the reps low and the weight light. This is a day just to practice good muscle memory and groove movement patterns.
Post scores to comment box below.


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