
Row-Vember is upon us! Looking for a way to keep track of all your logged meters? Check out the Concept 2 Log Card! This looks just like a credit card and slides right into the rower to track your distance. Worth the investment if you are going for the goal of 100,000m this month! Order yours AT THIS LINK! CF EXP November Calendar of Events: 11/1-11/8 Halloween Candy Give Back 11/3-11/29 Row-Vember 11/8 Mobility Class w/Jenn 10-30-11am (Continues every Saturday!) 11/3-11/18 Birthday Wishes Toys Drop Off & Donations being accepted WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: A) 4XME UB + 3 Strict HSPU (ME UB set, quick rest, then 3 more reps) – rest 90sec. B) 3X15 Reverse Hypers – heavy, rest 90sec. WOD: [ FRAN ] 21-15-9 Thruster (95/65) Pull-up L1-95/65 L2-75/55, band PU L3-65/35, V row TT-95/95 Post scores in comments below.
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Congratulations to our October High Achievers! These members came 15+ times last month!  This is one of the biggest lists we’ve seen yet! Let’s see if we can grow it even BIGGER for November!  Make 15+ times this month YOUR goal!  Lauren C  Matt G  Mike P  Patty W  Dave H  Jason V  Devin  Lisa  Mason  Lydia  Kelsey  Hannah  Rhi  Amanda F  Brenda  Kathy  Melissa L  Dana  Grady  Sarah T  Kris G  Christine R  Amy S  Karri  Chuck  Angaw  Chris L  Eric W  Kristen T  Ashleigh  Karen  Amanda H  Kristy P  Paul  Amanda G CF EXP November Calendar of Events: 11/1-11/8 Halloween Candy Give Back 11/3-11/29 Row-Vember 11/8 Mobility Class w/Jenn 10-30-11am (Continues every Saturday!) 11/3-11/18 Birthday Wishes Toys Drop Off & Donations being accepted WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Fully Charged ] 500m Row x 10 with a partner *25 sit-ups every time you come off the...
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CF EXP November Calendar of Events: 11/1-11/8 Halloween Candy Give Back 11/3-11/29 Row-Vember 11/8 Mobility Class w/Jenn 10-30-11am (Continues every Saturday!) 11/3-11/18 Birthday Wishes Toys Drop Off & Donations being accepted WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: 1) 4X5 @ 80% (of 5rm) Back Squats – rest 2:00 2) 4X3 @ 80% (of 3rm) Push Press – rest 2:00 WOD: [ Walking on Water ] 100′ HS walk 21 DL’s 21 Push Press 15 DL’s 15 Push Press 9 DL’s 9 Push Press 100′ HS walk L1-10 wall walks, DL-225/155, PP-115/85 L2- 10 wall walks, DL-185/135, PP-95/65 L3-20 Toe Push-ups, DL-135/95, PP-65/45 TT–HS walk 100′, DL-275/185, PP-135/95 20min cap Post scores in comments below.
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Mobility Class is BACK: Saturdays 10:30-11:00am Beginning 11/8! Jennifer St. Laurent will be leading us through a 30 minute mobility class.  Jennifer is the owner of the Dolphin Studio in Leominster where she runs Pilates, Yoga and TRX Classes.  Her knowledge in “lengthening and strengthening” is a great compliment to our CrossFit classes.  Stay after the 9:15 class for a cool down, or warm up for the Team Training starting at 11:00am.  We hope to see you there, spread the word! Mobility is a term we use around the studio just about every class. If you are new to CF EXP or are unfamiliar with the term then you may be wondering what gives. When using the word Mobility we are referring to the range of motion, flexibility and health of any given joint in the body, (i.e. Ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow wrist…). Performing any given exercise optimally requires...
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This week starts our ROW-VEMBER!!! Just like last year, our goal throughout the month of November is to have as many members row 100,000m by the end of the month as possible. That is under 3,500m/ day, and we had a very large group of people complete the challenge last year! On the last Saturday of the Month (Nov. 29th) , we will be putting on a Row-A-Thon and raise money for a Kylee’s Kare Kits for Kidz. We will row a half marathon (21,097m) either as an individual or as a team. This is going to be an optional challenge, but we encourage everyone to participate. There will be a grid next to your testing board, and we will encourage you to put your name up, and keep track of your daily/ weekly meters. Some general ground rules: Rowing must take place outside of class time (unless rowing is...
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