Today’s Workout: Strength: Push-Jerk Workout: “Chelsea” – Perform one round of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats on the minute, every minute for 30 minutes. Your score is equal to the last minute at which you can maintain pace without exceeding the minute alloted for each round. Level 1: (women) N/A (men) N/A Level 2: “Cindy” 30 min AMRAP, scale as needed for pull-ups/push-ups Level 3: “Chelsea” as Rx’d (if you lose pace then continue AMRAP until time expires). Sat, Mar 12th, 11:30-12:30pm: Pull-up/Double Under Workshop Learn what it takes to get your 1st or 30th pull-up and the tips and tricks to conquering consecutive double unders during this 1 hour workshop with Nick and Tiffany. $20 pre-registration by signing up at the studio before March 9th or $25 at the door. Space is limited to 20 people max. See event flier… (or FitCamp members can e-mail us to save a spot) (ONLY 9 Spots Left!) ...
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