I frequently hear members saying “I wish I found FitCamp/CrossFit when I was younger”. The young man in this photo must have overheard that statement and he took action immediately. After doing a few months of personal training with Nick, Montana was more than ready to take FitCamp by storm. He came into class with the right mindset, training and skills to continue building up his strength and fitness for the long term. In just a short time he is already doing full body weight push-ups, kipping pull-ups and is consistently building a strong foundation that will last him a lifetime. Most importantly he is doing the one thing that so many adults skip out on because of the “business of life”, Montana shows up. Today’s Workout: Friday 2.11.11 Skill/Strength: Snatch Squat (15 minutes) Go for 1RM or practice skill of movement with PVC/light bar. Workout 1: “Devil’s Bite” 10 Snatch Grip Deadlift...
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