
  No Skill/Strength Workout 1: 21-15-9 Pull-ups (options: Dead hang, C2B, Kip, Butterfly or banded) Ring Dips (options: Strict, Kip, Toe Push-ups, Inclined Push-ups) Workout 2: 1 min Hover 10 Side Bridges (R/L) 1 min Superman 3 Rounds Partnered Stretching Paleo Challenge:  Day 25 ….
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Today’s Workout: Build Up: (after warm-up) For today’s workout there are four exercises that you will need to build up your weight for. Set-up an area with four stations (sit-ups: anchored w/DB, KB Swings, DB Push-Press, Front Squat).  Do 5 reps of each exercise with a light load, then 3 reps of each with a moderate load and then 1 rep of each with load you will use for workout. Workout: 4:00, 3:00, 2:00 ,1:00 (modified from CrossFit Again Faster WOD 15) Sit-ups (anchored) (1 pt) KBS (70/53lbs) (2 pts) DB Push-press (45/30lbs) (3 pts) Front squat (135/95lbs) (4 pts) With a 10 minute running clock you will perfrom as many reps as possible in 4 minutes of one of the exercises above (your choice), then transition to your second exercise of choice and perform as many reps in then 3 minutes, transition again for 2 minute exercise and finally 1 minute exercise.  Your...
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WEEK #4 Wow- this gets expensive!  Ways to be conservative with your grocery budget.   Remembering my own experience learning how to shop, cook and eat paleo- I often spent more than the “usual” grocery bill at the beginning.  Over time I have learned there are many tips and tricks to shopping paleo on a more reasonable budget.  Some of the biggest cost savers for me have been: Shopping more than once a week:   at the beginning I would buy our produce for the whole week and would always end up with some of in the trash.  Shop more often and in smaller quantity.   Be selective with your store choice:  I have learned that certain stores have a better selection and price on particular items.  For instance, I will go to Trader Joes about once a month to stock up on things like almond butter, nuts, dried fruit, turkey...
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  Today’s Workout: Strength: Deadlift 1RM “Tabata” – Perform 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest for eight sets of each of the following exercises.  Score = your lowest reps for any set of each exercise. Burpees Pull-ups Box Jumps Mt. Climbers Row Bicycles Paleo Challenge:  Day 23 …
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Today’s Workout: Strength:  1Rm Squat Clean WOD 1:  “Karen” 150 Wall Balls for time 10 ft. target, men 20lb ball, women 14lb ball WOD 2: “Flight Simulator” For time… 5 unbroken double unders 10 unbroken double unders 15 unbroken double unders 20 unbroken double unders 25 unbroken double unders 30 unbroken double unders 35 unbroken double unders 40 unbroken double unders 45 unbroken double unders 50 unbroken double unders 45 unbroken double unders 40 unbroken double unders 35 unbroken double unders 30 unbroken double unders 25 unbroken double unders 20 unbroken double unders 15 unbroken double unders 10 unbroken double unders 5 unbroken double unders All sets must be completed unbroken and you must come to a complete stop after each set. Paleo Challenge:  Day 22 Dee’s Little Paleolithic Cookbook: Over the past few months Deanna Navaroli (lil’ Dee) has been working hard in the kitchen to put together her own Paleo Cookbook. After months of hard work (and lots of...
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