Today’s Workout: Build Up: (after warm-up) For today’s workout there are four exercises that you will need to build up your weight for. Set-up an area with four stations (sit-ups: anchored w/DB, KB Swings, DB Push-Press, Front Squat). Do 5 reps of each exercise with a light load, then 3 reps of each with a moderate load and then 1 rep of each with load you will use for workout. Workout: 4:00, 3:00, 2:00 ,1:00 (modified from CrossFit Again Faster WOD 15) Sit-ups (anchored) (1 pt) KBS (70/53lbs) (2 pts) DB Push-press (45/30lbs) (3 pts) Front squat (135/95lbs) (4 pts) With a 10 minute running clock you will perfrom as many reps as possible in 4 minutes of one of the exercises above (your choice), then transition to your second exercise of choice and perform as many reps in then 3 minutes, transition again for 2 minute exercise and finally 1 minute exercise. Your...
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