
Today’s Workout: Skill/Strength:  Deadlift 3RM x 5 to increase overall strength or as skill 10 reps x 5 sets working on perfect technique and lifting form. “Ladder Two” Ladder workouts are when you do 1 rep of each exercise then 2 reps, then 3 and so on until time runs out.  Your goal is to climb the rep ladder and complete AMRAP in the given time, in this case 20 min.  Power Clean (135/95) Push-up KB Swing (53/36lb) Sit-up 20 min AMRAP Question of the Day:  What was your last PR you set in FitCamp and how did it make you feel? Paleo Challenge:  Day 16 …
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“Learn It As If You Are Going To Teach It” We should all take this principle to heart for our health, nutrition, and lifestyle habits. In regards to nutrition, how well could you tell a freind about your Paleo lifestlye? Could you tell them what is considered a carbohydrate, fat, or protein under the Paleo guidelines? Could you tell them why you are not eating dairy, grains, or legumes? If you cannot not tell one of your “non-Paleo” friends the bigger picture of what you are doing with your fitness, nutrition and lifestyle habits, how well do you understand what what you are doing yourself? My first experience of this happened when I was in high school. I started tutoring others in math during my free block, and do you know what happened? Literally as I was explaining the material to them, I started to gain a better understanding of the material myself. By teaching math to others,...
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Today’s Workout: Skill/Strength:  Overhead Squat 3RM x 5 or as skill 10 reps light weight/PVC x 5 working on range of motion, form and technique. Workout:  “Josh” 21 OHS (95/65lbs) 42 Pull-ups 15 OHS 30 Pull-ups 9 OHS 18 Pull-ups for time… Question of the Day:  What is your favorite exercise we do in FitCamp and why? Paleo Challenge:  Day 15 …
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Rest Day! Enjoy your day off and let your body recover.  You deserve it after this week!  Next week we start all over again building ourselves up, working together as a community with the common goal of becoming stronger, healthier and more confident not only in fitness but also in life. “Our bodies become stronger through rest” Paleo Challenge:  Day 14
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  Today’s Workout: 1 Arm KB Clean & Press (53lb/36lb) Pull-ups Box Jumps (24″/20″) 21 – 15 – 9 WOD 2: “Flight Simulator” For time… 5 unbroken double unders 10 unbroken double unders 15 unbroken double unders 20 unbroken double unders 25 unbroken double unders 30 unbroken double unders 35 unbroken double unders 40 unbroken double unders 45 unbroken double unders 50 unbroken double unders 45 unbroken double unders 40 unbroken double unders 35 unbroken double unders 30 unbroken double unders 25 unbroken double unders 20 unbroken double unders 15 unbroken double unders 10 unbroken double unders 5 unbroken double unders All sets must be completed unbroken and you must come to a complete stop after each set. POST YOUR FAVORITE:  Which of these two workouts do you prefer and why? …
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