
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Reverse “Jerry”) Row 2k Run 1 mile Row 2K L1- rx L2- 1750m, run 4 laps, 1750m L3- 1500m, run 3 laps, 1500m”
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Speed DL Build to 60-70%% of your 1rm, then-,4 . -Goal is to perform these reps in under 5 seconds,be as fast and explosive as possible on the way up as you can. If you feel “slow”, lighten up the weight so that the bar moves fast. – you can “cluster” these if you want to, which means drop from the top of the DL, and then re-set and pull as fast as you can. WOD: (Mountain) 10 Hang Power Snatches 20 Hollow Rocks 30 Air Squats x 15min AMRAP L1- 95/65 L2/M- 75/55 L3- 45/25
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Bench Press for Speed Build to 60-70%% of your 1rm, then-,4 . -Goal is to perform these reps in under 4 seconds,be as fast and explosive as possible on the way up as you can. If you feel “slow”, lighten up the weight so that the bar moves fast. WOD: (Trilogy) 300m Run 20 Pull-ups 20/15 Push-ups x 4 Rds 20min CAP L1(+)- 400m Run, 10/6 M-ups, 3 rds L1- 15/12 CTB, 15/12 dips per rd L2- 200m, 20 pull-ups, 20 push-ups L3- 200m row, 20 jumping pull-ups, 20 knee push ups
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:  Speed squat Build to 60-70%% of last weeks 1rm, then-,4 . -Goal is to perform these reps in under 4 seconds,be as fast and explosive as possible on the way up as you can. If you feel “slow”, lighten up the weight so that the bar moves fast. of last weeks 1rm, then-,4 WOD(Tanger) F Squats 5 burpees x 10 rds 12min Cap L1-185/135 L2/M-115/80 L3-65/45
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY: WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Come on in and make up a workout from the past week or work on a goat. Open gym hours are 8am-10am.
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