Wednesday 11.13.13

The rowing stroke can be divided into two parts: The drive and the recovery.

The Recovery (Phase 1)

  • Extend your arms until they straighten.
  • Lean your upper body forward to the one o'clock position.
  • Once your hands and the oar handle have cleared your knees, allow your knees to bend and gradually slide the seat forward on the monorail.

The Catch (Position 1)

  • Arms are straight; head is neutral; shoulders are level and not hunched.
  • Upper body is at the one o'clock position—shoulders in front of hips.
  • Shins are vertical and not compressed beyond the perpendicular.
  • Balls of the feet are in full contact with the footplate.

The Drive (Phase 2)

  • With straight arms and while maintaining the position of the upper body at one o'clock, exert pressure on the foot plate and begin pushing with your legs.
  • As your legs approach straight, lean the upper body back to the eleven o'clock position and draw the hands back to the lower ribs in a straight line.

The Finish (Position 2)

  • Legs are extended and handle is held lightly at your lower ribs.
  • Upper body is at the eleven o'clock position—slightly reclined with good support from your core muscles.
  • Head is in a neutral position.
  • Neck and shoulders are relaxed, and arms are drawn past the body with flat wrists.

Courtesy of

Eric, Lisa, Renee & Matt: Team Advil Avengers at the CF EXP Fall 4 Some


Strength: None.

WOD: [ Team 10K Row ]

In teams of three complete 10K row, rotating every 250m
As soon as you get off the rower=15 sit ups per round

Buy-Out:  3rm Strict BB Shoulder Press ss w/ 25 Hollow Rocks x4 Sets

Team Training:  Easy Cardio- sweat for 15-20 min.  30 min mobility.  Optional goat Work- ex: muscle-up transitions.  Keep the reps low and the weight light.  This is a day just to practice good muscle memory and groove movement patterns.

Post scores and comments below.

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