
Thank you to everyone who came out to support "PR for PAT" on Saturday, we had a great turn out for a great cause! Check out SFH's newest product: PRE-WORKOUT "PUSH" Now available at CrossFit EXP! Non-Dairy PUSH is designed to be a multi-functional package with components that synergize to optimize the performance of athletes Beta-Alanine – Enhances readiness as a stimulant and combines with histidine to make sarcosine in our muscles. Sarcosine is a proton buffer that may prevent muscle acidification. Quercetin – Becomes a powerful weapon against overuse inflammation and an effective performance-enhancer. Quercetin enhances the action of Vitamin C & E. Caffeine Glycine – Helps regulate blood sugar and prevent fatigue. May protect ATP depleted cells from damage. Helps breakdown fat and enhances the biosynthesis of creatine. Vitamin Mixture – Vitamin E and Vitamin C may reinforce each others antioxidant abilities. Vitamin B6 & B12 enhance energy...
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Cathy J WORKOUT Of the DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Come make up a workout from the week or work on a strength or skill. Team Training: Rest Day Post in comments below.  
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Congratulations to EXP Kids Coach Stacey & Harlan as they tie the knot today!  We love you guys and wish you a life time of happiness! xoxo Today's workout honors Pat Padgett, 31-a fellow athlete from CF Southie has been recently diagnosed with a progressive cancerous growth formed in the back of his mouth and lymph nodes. He has undergone surgery to remove the cancer and has lost 70 percent of his tongue. Doctors took a sizeable chunk of his left forearm to help rebuild the part of his tongue and mouth where the cancer was removed. In all, 37 lymph nodes were taken out. A skin graph was done on his upper left thigh to help rebuild the scarring on his arm. There’s still a long way to go. Padgett starts an extensive round of chemotherapy in the next few weeks, where he will have radiation five times a...
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Pick up your O3, D3 & M3 at CrossFit EXP! What do O3, D3, and M3 all have in common? They aid in your body’s recovery! After everything you put your body through in the gym, and just in life in general, our bodies deserve to be well taken care of. Adequate sleep, proper eating, and hydration are all key components, but there are several supplements that help your body recover more quickly and keep you feeling fresh and energized! Fish Oil (O3) provides your body with the fatty acids it needs. Fish oil reduces inflammation and helps to maintain heart health. So, if you are sore after your workouts, because muscles become inflamed during exercise, taking fish oil increases oxygen flow in the blood, helping your muscles recover. Fish oil also provides your brain and eyes with supplemental doses of fish derived fatty acids, EPA and DHA, that they...
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This guy is STRONG! Chima WORKOUT Of the DAY: STRENGTH: Thruster (from the rack) Front Squat WOD: [ Criss Cross ] 10min AMRAP 10 Wall Balls 25' walking OH Lunge w/ MB 10 TTB 25' walking OH Lunge w/ MB Team Training: Practice HSPU deficit or HS walks between front squats.  For Wod, use 30/20# Post in comments below.  
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