
Congrats to all who competed at CrossFit Nashua yesterday. We had 3 teams make the top 5 for the last WOD, then 2 teams take the podium. Great job all around. ……………………………… If you haven’t done so already make sure to head on over to our CrossFit EXP Facebook Page and LIKE US! ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Skill/Strength: None WOD: [Open Gym] Buy-out: 20 min Mobility Post scores to comment box below.  
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Lots of activity going on at and around CrossFit EXP: -Matt G and Eric M are doing the Mud Run at Fort Devens this weekend- good luck guys (and anyone else who is going !) -The annual Used Bike Swap Sunday at 11am hosted by our neighbors and friends over at Gear Works Cyclery right down the street from us, if you are looking for any type of bike: road, mountain, hybrid, kids; this is the place and time to get it! Show up early if you have your heart set on something particular! -Saturday we have most of our Comp Team/Regionals Team will be competing in a local team (guy/girl) throwdown at CrossFit Nashua, starting at 9am! Good luck to our teams, we know you will kick butt! Come and cheer them on! Stacey will be “Guest Coaching” Saturday at 9:15am! Thanks Stacey! ……………………………… If you haven’t done so...
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Member Testimonial: “Motivation has always been my biggest hurdle when trying to reach a fitness goal. While at a traditional gym it was easy to make excuses during a workout or for not going to the gym at all. During my 6 week start up program at EXP I have not only been motivated to workout but to push myself beyond limits I knew I had. The thought of using a pull-up bar brought me back to embarrassing days of elementary gym class. And now after only a few short weeks (while I still can’t do a strict pull up) I am comfortable with my modified/strengthening workouts and have a new fitness goal I would have never else made. It is assumed that fitness instructors will be motivating during a class- CrossFit goes above and beyond those expectations. For a short while during class it feels as if I have...
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Mike’s 5 STRICT deficit HSPUs! ……………………………… If you haven’t done so already make sure to head on over to our CrossFit EXP Facebook Page and LIKE US! ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Skill/Strength: On 2 min: Strict or Wt Pull Up 4x max sets. Then: 2 Max sets Kipping/BF Pull Up. WOD: [ Brookside ] 3 PC (80% 1RM) 6 Lateral Bar Burpees 12 Pistols 24 Double Unders 15 min AMRAP Buy-out: None. Post scores to comment box below.  
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We are excited to announce that CF EXP will now be carrying Strong Faster Healthier Products! SFH has a great reputation and the science to back up their products which are very pure and contain all natural ingredients.   Take a look below to learn about the products we will be stocking in the next couple of weeks!  OMEGA-3 OIL: Each teaspoon delivers over 3100mg of EPA and DHA Soy free, gluten free and sugar free All natural concentrated omega 3 oil  Liquid form to optimize absorption efficiently Third party tested:  our SO3 oil meets or exceeds CRN, GOED, IFOS, WHO and Prop 65 Standards. Our product is prepared from sardines, herring and anchovies using molecular distillation making it possible to concentrate EPA and DHA.  Mercury free, no heavy metals,  no toxins PURE WHEY: Whey protein is a pure, natural, high  quality  protein from cow’s milk. Our whey protein is derived...
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