
Our very own Tip, still getting her workouts in while in Paris for work.  WTG girl! STRENGTH: Bench Press at at 105-110% of 5rm WOD (Honey Buns): 1min Max Cal Row 1min Rest x 5 Sets rest 3mins 1min Max Sit-ups 1min plank 1min Max Russ. Twists 1min plank 1min Max Hollow Rocks 1min plank 1min Bicycle Crunches 1min plank 1min Max Leg lifts Super Food September: Chickpeas Why are chickpeas good for you? They help increase satiety, boost digestion, keep blood sugar levels stable, increase protection against metabolic syndrome and heart disease, and more. Chickpeas, or garbanzo beans, are a great source of plant-based protein along with fiber, iron, zinc, phosphorus, B vitamins and more. Beans, pulses and legumes are nutrient-dense foods and unique in that they provide a combination of protein, starch, fiber and minerals. The starch found in chickpeas is digested slowly and supports more stabilized blood sugar...
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STRENGTH: Pull-up- Pick 1 version above your current level, and perform 5-6 sets with around a 2min rest between each set . Hang> Spotted chin over bar -hold for 20-30sec/ Rd) Chin Over bar> Negatives- 3-5 reps with a 3sec negative Strict> (More reps or weighted (5-20lbs) – 3-5 reps CTB> Weighted (5-25lbs)- 3-5 reps or strict M-ups WOD (Beef Cake): 7 P Jerks 14 Pull-ups 200m Run x 4 RdsL1- 185/135, 7/5 M-ups, 300m run L2- 135/95, bw pull-up, 200m run L3- 95/65, 10 V-rows, 150m Run or 200m row 12min Cap Super Food September: Zucchini The food ranking systems in zucchini-rich countries have declared that this squash has abundant levels of manganese and vitamin C that help to keep the heart strong. During the research, most of these nutrients were found effective in the prevention of diabetic heart disease and atherosclerosis. The magnesium content notably reduces the risk of heart...
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Congrats to our very own Brenda who competed in Games of the Ages and crushed it! STRENGTH: DL at 105-110% of 5rm WOD (A piece of cake): 10 DB Hang Squat Clean 10 Burpees x 10min AMRAP L1- 50/35 L2- 30/20 L3- 15/10, 5 burpees Super Food September: Brussel Sprouts Low intakes of vitamin K have been associated with a higher risk of bone fracture. Adequate vitamin K consumption improves bone health by improving calcium absorption and reducing the removal of calcium in the urine. Three-fourths of a cup of Brussels sprouts meets the daily vitamin K requirement. They are also a great source of calcium. Calcium is essential to bone strength and growth.
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY: WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Come on in and make up a workout from the past week or work on a goat. Open gym hours are 8am-10am.    Superfood September: Collard greens The vitamin K in collard greens is beneficial for bone health. MNT reported that the nutrients modify bone matrix proteins that improve calcium absorption and potentially retention. Just one cup of boiled collard greens can provide enough vitamin K to surpass the daily recommended level. The choline found in collard greens can help improve learning, memory, muscle movement and sleep. It can also affect inflammation, fat absorption and depression. Because of the high fiber and water content, collard greens are good for the digestive track as well. Vitamins A and C in collard greens are beneficial for hair and skin development. One cup of boiled collard greens supplies about half of the daily recommendations...
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STRENGTH: NONE WOD (100’s): Partner wod- 100 Box Jumps (24/20) 100 Burpees 100 Cal Row 100 DB Step-up (50/35) 100 Pull-ups (BW or Jump) Must finish 1 exercise before moving onto the next. Super Food September: Coconut Coconut and coconut oil are both high in medium-chain triglycerides, a type of beneficial fatty acid that can help support the health of your gut due to its bacteria-fighting, antioxidant properties. These fatty acids are also easy to digest, can be burned up as fuel rather than stored as fat and are able to provide immediate energy. Coconut oil, in particular, has been credited with aiding in weight loss, keeping hair healthy and smooth, and even preventing bone loss. Be sure to use extra virgin coconut oil that has not been refined, and use it in your cooking and baking for an added dose of healthy fats.
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