TODAY’S WORKOUT Strength: Strict Shoulder Press 4 sets of 6-10 reps on 2 min Workout: (scale as needed) 3 Clean & Jerks (155/105/80 lbs) 200m Run 5 rounds for time 15 min CAP MEMBER FEEDBACK “Hi Patrick, I wanted to share with you that last February (2010) is when I had pulled my back out while working on deadlifts. I struggled mentally throughout that year knowing that my upper body could handle the heavier weights I was used to but my hips and back just didn’t allow it…85 lbs had been my max since the injury. With a combination of Nick’s guidance from the beginning, as well as starting Pilates with Jennifer back in January this year, I’ve made dramatic changes. Last month my max deadlift was at 135 lbs and just today I reached 195 lbs. That’s a 60 lb increase in the last month and 110 lbs since...
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