
Welcome to MOBILITY MAY! Here's this month's challenge….  Day 1: 1 minute mobility squat Day 2: N+1 minute mobility squat Day 3: N+2 minute mobility squat…etc, to Day 31! Why should you accept this challenge? We should all know by now the benefits of the squat position: Improved ankle, knee, hip flexibility Digestion Spinal decompression…the list goes on! In many countries around the world, this is a basic human resting position. Watch a two year old for a little while; kids will often use this position as rest without ever being shown to do it by their parents. This position is in our DNA. Unfortunately, in most of the western world, it is socially unacceptable to “pop a squat” in public and therefore many people lose the ability to sit in the squat comfortably or at all.  Let's change that my spending more time in our perfect squat position! courtesy...
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Coach Ryan's Oly Clinic​ ​​WORKOUT Of the DAY STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Static Partner Wod  ] Wall-sit/ 100 Burpees Hover/ 200 V-ups Hang/ 300 Double Unders 400m 45/25lb Plate carry (1 plate/ team) after each task Team Training: Active Recovery Post in comments below.    
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Congratulations to all our athletes who competed in the Rookie Rivalry this past weekend at CrossFit Nashua.  You all are amazing! ​ ​​WORKOUT Of the DAY STRENGTH: B Rack Lunge 5×5 WOD: [ Bree  ] 600m Run 40 Sit-ups 20 B Squats x 3 rds (20 min cap) L1-115/80 L2-95/65 L3-65/45 Team Training: Bulgarian Lunge 5×5 WOD: 600m run/ 30 GHD Sit-ups/ 15 B Squats (185/135) x3 Rds   Post in comments below.    
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Our Whole 30 Challenge starts TODAY!  It's not too late to join though, take a look at the action steps below and jump on board!   Action Steps: Join our Facebook Event to benefit from the daily recipes and support from fellow members! PURGE "non compliant" foods from your cabinets and fridge.   Choose a day for food prep. Go shopping and stock your fridge. Here a quick video on food prep. Extra tupperware and ziploc bags come in handy! Stay connected– Post your questions and any challenges you face along the way to the group so we can help you through it! ​ ​​WORKOUT Of the DAY STRENGTH:  (12min) Pull-up 5x max Strict Press 5×5 (12min) BB Row 5×10 Dip 5x max WOD: [ Orly  ] 5 DL's 10 Push-ups 8 min AMRAP L1-225/155 L2-185/115 L3-155/95 Team Training:  Strength: Wt. Pull-up3RM/ Wt. Dip 3RM WOD:  5 DL (275/225)/ 3 M-ups (Or bench transitions) Post in comments below.  ...
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Looking for a bike for the summer?  Head down to the Gear Works Bike Swap today 11am-5pm.  Be sure to get there early for the good finds! If you are looking to build a solid foundation of good nutrition, join our Whole 30 group starting MONDAY! Below is a brief overview of what the Whole 30 Challenge is all about.   Action Steps: Join our Facebook Event to benefit from the daily recipes and support from fellow members! PURGE "non compliant" foods from your cabinets and fridge.   Choose a day for food prep, (we like Sundays). Go shopping and stock your fridge. Here a quick video on food prep. Extra tupperware and ziploc bags come in handy! Stay connected– Post your questions and any challenges you face along the way to the group so we can help you through it! ​ ​​WORKOUT Of the DAY STRENGTH: None WOD: [ OPEN GYM  ] Open Gym...
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