Over the past few months you may have seen Cheryl Riddle working her way around the studio taking pics (when you least expect it, right!). She has also come to a number of our CrossFit EXP Comp team workouts on Saturday mornings at 7am and taken literally thousands of photos. Now all those candid shots...Read More
TODAY’S WORKOUT Workout: (scale as needed) WOD 1: “Again Faster #13” / Thruster (95/65lb) KBS (70/53lb) 15 min Ladder . Complete 1 thruster then 1 Kettlebell Swing (KBS), 2 thrusters, 2 KBS, 3, 3, … climbing as high up the ladder as possible in 15 minutes. . WOD 2: “Plank Crankers” … …Read More
TODAY’S WORKOUT Strength: HSPU 3 reps on the minute for 10min Workout: (scale as needed) 1 Lap 5 Clean & Jerks (155/105) 10 Toes 2 Bar 20 min AMRAP …Read More