The CrossFit Games are under way! Check out tons of Media coverage including live feeds through ESPN on the CrossFit Games Website. We will be moving our Grill N Chill this week to SUNDAY 5-8pm where we will be streaming the CF Games finals LIVE from the gym! Hope to see you there! ……………………………… WORKOUT...Read More
Avocados are delicious in the summer and are a great source of healthy fat. Ever wonder how to pick a perfectly ripe avocado? First, find a good candidate by selecting avocados that are a very dark green without any obvious indents or smooshy parts. It should be heavy and firm. Next, flick off the stem....Read More
What’s your favorite lift during our strict strength volume focus? Bench/Back Squat/ Deadlift/ Front Squat? ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: Back Squat Gymnastics/Olympic Lift: Power Snatch WOD: [ UP ] 6 Rounds: 7 P. snatch (115/80) 8 OH Lunge Steps 12 min cap Buy-out: SS 3 sets: 20 Hollow Rocks/ 10 (5/sd)...Read More
Do you have good working habits? Check out this site for some quick helpful tips. ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: Bench Press Gymnastics/Olympic Lift: Strict Pull Ups 5 sets @ 80% WOD: [ Triple 10’s ] 15 min AMRAP: 10 C2B Pull ups 10 Box Jumps (30/24ʺ) 10 HR Push ups 200m Run...Read More
Have you seen this guy attack a WOD lately? Keep an eye on him, he’s a machine! Reminders: Olivia’s Couch 2 5K Program meets on M/W/F mornings 6:30am @Doyle Field. Sign up for the 8 week session HERE Ryan’s 7 Week Muscle-Up Clinic starting this Sunday 7/21 9:00-10:00am and is FREE! Check out the details...Read More
Today’s WOD “Scotter” honors a local fallen hero. First Lieutenant Scott Francis Milley was killed in the line of duty in the Baraki Barak district of Afghanistan on November 30th, 2010 at the age of 23. ʺScooter??? grew up in Sudbury excelling in both academics and athletics at Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High School. Every bit as...Read More
Friday night Grill N’ Chill is BACK ON TONIGHT! Join us after the 6:30 class for some food, drinks & Basketball! Reminders: Olivia’s Couch 2 5K Program meets on M/W/F mornings 6:30am @Doyle Field. Sign up for the 8 week session HERE Ryan’s 7 Week Muscle-Up Clinic starting this Sunday 7/21 9:00-10:00am and is FREE! ...Read More
A great visual on how recovery works from Strong Faster Healthier (SFH). Reminders: Olivia’s Couch 2 5K Program meets on M/W/F mornings 6:30am @Doyle Field. Sign up for the 8 week session HERE Ryan’s 7 Week Muscle-Up Clinic starting this Sunday 7/21 9:00-10:00am and is FREE! Check out the details & Sign up HERE Lauren...Read More
Ryan’s Muscle-Up Clinic starts this Sunday 9am-10am. There are only 12 spots available for this 7 week clinic. SIGN UP HERE! (Click on Upcoming Events) ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: None. Gymnastics/Olympic Lift: None. WOD: [ ZUKAS ] With a partner, complete the following chipper in order: 2000m Row 100 Push Ups 400m Tire...Read More
Member Testimonial: “I started CrossFit 2 months ago. I had heard of it but never knew what it was all about until one of my friends invited me to come see one of the classes. At first I was intimidated but when I saw how the work outs can be modified to the ability of...Read More