… WORKOUT Of the DAY: (WOD) Strength: None Workout: WOD 1: 800m Run KB SDHP (70/53lbs) Burpee 21-15-9 800m Run 15 min CAP WOD 2: “AbMat Annie” Double Under AbMat Sit-up 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 15 min CAP …Read More
WORKOUT Of the DAY: (WOD) Strength: Power Clean 10 Minute Build-up to 3-5RM then scale back for WOD Workout: “CrossFit Games Open WOD 11.5” 5 Power Cleans (145/100lbs) 10 Toes to Bar 15 Wall Ball (Men: 20lb ball 10′ target, above blue line, Women: 14lb ball, 9′ target, in the blue line) 20 min AMRAP...Read More
WORKOUT Of the DAY: (WOD) Strength: 3RM Front Squat Workout: WOD 1: “CrossFit Games Open WOD 11.6” C2B Pull-ups Thrusters (95/65lbs) 3, 3, 6, 6, 9, 9, 12, 12, 15, 15, 18, 18, 21, 21…. 7 min AMRAP WOD 2: 25 AbMat Sit-ups 400m Run 3 Rounds for time 12 min CAP …Read More
Many thanks to all our CrossFit EXP members who came down to cheer on our team at this weekend’s North East Regionals competition. Your cheers and support made our team feel right at home and made every rep that much easier. A special congratulations goes out to our team who represented CrossFit EXP at the...Read More
CrossFit EXP will be closed Thursday evening through Sunday for the CrossFit Games North East Regionals Competition. Best of luck to our official Competition Team (Jared, Brian, Jeff, Steph, Lisa and Heather). Kathy A. and I will be the alternates there to support our team throughout the weekend. Our studio is such an amazing community...Read More
… WORKOUT Of the DAY: (WOD) Strength: N/A Workout: “Team Row-Down” 5 person teams race to 10, 000 meters (2k/pp, meters scaled for smaller teams). Each team selects 2 members to start with row (1 row/1 rests) while rest of team starts with 800m run. Each person rows 500m increments and then must run 800m...Read More
… WORKOUT Of the DAY: (WOD) Strength: Front Squat 3 reps OTMEM x 10min (OTMEM: On The Minute Every Minute) Workout: “Half Badger” 15 Squat Cleans (95/65lbs) 15 Pull-ups 400m Run 3 rounds for time 20 min CAP … EXP Updates: CrossFit Northeast Regionals: (Friday, June 17th – Sunday, June 19th) Come cheer on team...Read More
The CrossFit Games Northeast Regionals start this Friday! … WORKOUT Of the DAY: (WOD) Strength: Strict Shoulder Press 3RM x 5 Workout: WOD 1: 1 Lap Sprint 21-15-9 SDLHP (95/65lbs) 10 min CAP WOD 2: 20 V-ups 20 Hypers 3 rounds (not for time) … EXP Updates: CrossFit Northeast Regionals: (Friday, June 17th – Sunday,...Read More