WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:Snatch Or OHS WOD: (Settle In) 20 Kettlebell Snatches (anyway, 10 reps per arm)25 Goblet Squats30 Sit-ups x 12min AMRAP Rx- 70/53, GHDsScaled 1/ Masters -53/35Scaled 2- 35/18 or DB Alt. Snatches (25/15), Ait Squats, 20 sit-ups Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Barbell rear stepping lunge10. w/ 15 Hollow Rocks between each set WOD:(It’s ON!!) On 4 Minutes x 5 rds15 KBs15 Wall BallsRow 15/12 cals -record splits for each interval, first interval should not take over 2:30, if so cut back reps/ cals. 20mins L1 (Rx)- 80/62, 30/20, 15/12 cals:L2 (Scaled)-...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:Jerk Complex-3 Push Press2 Power Jerks1 Split Jerk building over 7 sets Or Strict Press (3 warm-up sets, 4 sets across)-Goal is old 5rm score from week 1 testing for 4 working sets” WOD: (Push the limits.) 18-15-12-9Push JerkPull-upRun 200m after each round L1 (RX)- 115/80, CTBsL2 (Scaled)-...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Hans Solo) 20 Hand Stand Push-ups30 Dumbell Step-ups30 Pull-ups30 Wall Balls40/30 Cal Bike/ Row x 3 Rds L1 (Rx)-HS, 50/35, 30/20L2 (Scaled)- P Press 95/65, 30/20, 20/14L3 (Scaled)- P Press 65/35, 20/10, 10/6 40min CapRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Pausing Split Jerk* building Or Shoulder Press building *pause at bottom of dip portion of jerk, then drive up and split feet as usual, catch bar on shoulders and repeat for a 2nd and third rep. WOD: (Fired up FRIDAY!!!) Run 1 mile (8min cap)100 sit upsRun 800m...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Dumbell Bent Over Row building / side WOD: (Dragging it) 25min Partner AMRAP-Teams of 2200m Tire Drag60 Kettle Bell Swings200m Tire Drag40 Ring Rows Solo Wod- 200mTire Drag30 KB Swings200m Tire Drag20 Ring Rows L1 (Rx)-45/25, 70/53, Feet elevatedL2 (Scale)-45/25, 53/35, legs straightL3 (Scale)-25/10, 35/18, knees bent 25minRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:Hang Clean building Or Front Squat building WOD:(Wonder of the Double Under) 80 Double-unders40 BB Back Rack Lunges (L+R=2)80 D-unders40 power cleans80 D-unders L1 (Rx)-D-und, 135/95L2 (Scale)-D-und, 95/65L3 (Scale)-Singles x 2 or Bike 20/15 cals instead of JR, 75/35 10min CapRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Ring Dip 3 ME sets on 2mins , then 3-5 reps OTMEM x 6mins, 2-2-2 tempo* * Tempo= 2-2-2 means down for 2sec, pause at bottom for 2sec, hold at top for 2 sec. Or Bench Press building -If M-ups are there, do 3-5 Ring M-ups OTMEM x...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Kettlebells, Pistols, Burpees… Oh MY!!) -with a partner-2000m/1500m Row, then any order (once you choose an exercise you have to finish) 100 KB swings 100 Pistols 100/ 80 Cals Bike100 Burpees Then 1000m/750m Row-50 KBs50 Pistols50/40 Cals bike50 burpees Individual Wod- 2000m/1500m Row, then50 KBs50 Pistols 50 Cals...Read More