WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD:(Burditus) 4min AMRAP, 1 min transition x With a partner, perfrom as much work as you can within 4mins -Tire Flip -Sledge Hammers -Assault Bike -Atlas Stones -Rope Climbs -Wall Walks -Battling Ropes ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Strict Pull-up (Test #2), then 3 x ME on 2mins – Static hang chin over bar hold -Static hang at bottom of pull-up WOD:(Annie) 50-40-30-20-10* D under Sit-up 12min Cap L1- D-unders, Strict S-ups, * if annie is a strength of yours, add 10 TTBs after each round...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Back Squat 5m (Test #1) WOD:(Berger) 400m Run 20 P Snatches 10 Burpees x 3 rds 18min Cap L1-95/65 L2/M-65/45, 300m L3- KB swing 35/18, 200m “ Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:3rm Jerk (Test#5) WOD:(Beaton) 400m Run ME Thrusters (95/65) until the 4min mark Rest 1 min 400m Run ME TTB until 4min mark Rest 1min 400m Run ME Plyo Lunge until 4min Mark -runs should be sub 2mins ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 3rm Clean(Full), touch and go (Re-Test#4) WOD:(Barnette) 3 squat cleans (75% of your PREVIOUS 3rm) 6 burpees* *can you beat your previous score x 6min amrap Rest 4mins Then 6min AMRAP- “ultimate abs” 10 Vups 10 Roll-ups 10 Double crunches 10 Leg lifts 10 Sit-ups ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Strict Ring Dip (Test#2) Best out of 3 attempts: -Rings -Rings w/ Red Band -Matadore/ Jerk Boxes -Ring Support Hold OR -Close Grip (wrists touching ribs) 3rm Bench WOD:(Anderson) Run 5k (Re-Test#3) Run 15.5 laps for time L1-15 laps L2-12.5 laps (2.5 miles) L3-10 Laps (2 miles) 25min cap...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 3rm Snatch(Full), touch and go (Re-Test#1) or 3rm OHS WOD:(Alvarado) 12 Pull-ups 25 sit ups* 6 Rds * compare to 6 weeks ago when we did 10 pull-ups/ 20 sit-ups, can you beat your previous time? L1- rx L2-banded, 20 sit-ups L3-V-row, 15 sit ups (10min Cap) ...Read More