Warming up for NER 12.2 ……………………………… If you haven’t done so already make sure to head on over to our CrossFit EXP Facebook Page and LIKE US! ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Skill/Strength: HPC Build Up WOD: [NER 12.2] 2000m Row 50 Pistols 30 HPC (225/135) 17 min cap Buy-out: None Post scores to...Read More
Prowler Pushes…brrrr! ……………………………… If you haven’t done so already make sure to head on over to our CrossFit EXP Facebook Page and LIKE US! ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Skill/Strength: None. WOD: [1MTTD] With a Partner complete: 1m Tire Drag (42/25) for time 30 min cap Buy-out: None Post scores to comment box below. Read More
Leah back in action! There are always creative ways to get those WODS in! Snatch technique video for getting under the bar. ……………………………… If you haven’t done so already make sure to head on over to our CrossFit EXP Facebook Page and LIKE US! ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Skill/Strength: Snatch 1RM WOD: [OHS-A-Thon] 100...Read More
Come cheer on everyone in their final attempt of 13.5 today. First heat starts at 9:30. Gym will be open for warm-up beginning at 8:45. See you there! Tips & Tricks on 13.5 can be found HERE ……………………………… If you haven’t done so already make sure to head on over to our CrossFit EXP Facebook...Read More
Our Achievement Board was so incredibly full of awesomeness that we needed to wipe it clean to have room for even more! At the end of each month we will post a snap shot of the Achievement board and then start a new. Great job February & March achievements! P.S. Congratulations to Adam T &...Read More
Great job to everyone who tackled the final WOD of the opens 13.5 yesterday! Drum roll please….New jump ropes are in! There are 5 lengths ranging from 7.5′ to 9.5′ color coded, labeled and ready for use! There are also jump ropes for sale, $20 each. NEW! Quest Bars for sale $2.50 each. *Gluten Free*...Read More
Final WOD of the 2013 CrossFit Opens- Get after it! Watch the movement standards here: 13.5 Standards ……………………………… If you haven’t done so already make sure to head on over to our CrossFit EXP Facebook Page and LIKE US! ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Skill/Strength: None WOD: [13.5] 4 minute AMRAP of: 15 Thrusters (100...Read More
“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect It’s successful outcome.” -William James We have many great families at CFEXP! Here’s a shot of Matt being judged on 13.4 by his wife Erin. ……………………………… If you haven’t done so already make sure to head on...Read More
Many of you had awesome progresses with chest-to-bar pull ups yesterday! Since this is definitely a possibility for the final opens workout, here is a video from Gymnastics WOD with some great ques for chest-to-bars. Details at GymnasticsWOD ……………………………… If you haven’t done so already make sure to head on over to our CrossFit EXP Facebook...Read More
EXP Member Testimonial: “I’ve practiced yoga on and off since my teens, and had also gotten into hiking and biking a few years ago. During a stressful phase around January of 2012, I picked my cigarette habit back up, stopped eating clean, and lost the motivation to do anything even resembling exercise. My bike started...Read More