We have some exciting news being announced at the studio today so if you want to be “in the know” then make sure to get to class. Also, over the next few weeks we will be launching our brand new Studio Success Journal where you can start logging in your daily workouts and nutrition as...Read More
WORKOUT Of the DAY: (WOD) Strength: Squat Clean 3 reps on the minute for 10min Workout: WOD: 12 DB Front Squats (45/30lbs) 50′ DB Walking Lunge 12 DB Deadlift Burpees 50′ DB Walking Lunge 15 min AMRAPRead More
WORKOUT Of the DAY: (WOD) Strength: Push-Press 5 x 3Rm Workout: WOD 1: Push Jerk Box Jump 21-15-9 8 min CAP WOD 2: 20 Sit-ups 20 Leg Tosses 10 Ham Drops 3 rounds partnered.??Read More
WORKOUT Of the DAY: (WOD) Strength: None Workout: “EVA” 800m Run 30 KBS (70/53 lbs) 30 Pull-ups 5 rounds for time 45 min CAP (60 min was a typo) ?Read More
STUDIO NEWS! 2011 CrossFit Games North East Regionals – June 17th, 18th and 19th in Canton, MA at the Reebok Headquarters. This event is going to be INCREDIBLE so block off one or all of those dates to head on down and check it out with a few FitCamp/ CrossFit friends. FREE Intro Classes: There’s...Read More
TODAY’S WORKOUT Strength: Handstand Push-ups Pick a challenging variation and complete 3 reps on the minute every minute for 10min. Workout: 21-15-9 Power Clean (135/95) Burpee 8 min CAP WOD2: Partnered Foot-2-Bar or Knees to Elbows 5 sets of 10 strict reps alternating sets with partner (that’s 5 each, not 5 total) Goal: This is...Read More
TODAY’S WORKOUT Strength: Max Back Squat 6 sets, building each set to establish your 1 rep max weight. Workout: “Nicole” 400m Run Max Pull-ups 20 min AMRAP Score is total number of pull-ups completed. Goal: This is a medium duration, sustained intensity workout with a 20 min CAP. Your goal today is to sustain...Read More
TODAY’S WORKOUT Strength: 3 Position Clean 6 Sets Workout: 4 rounds for time 6 Power Snatch 9 Push-Jerks 12 Box Jumps Rx for men is 95lbs and a 24″ box, women 65lbs and a 20″ box. Goal: This is a short, HIGH intensity workout with an 8 min CAP. Scale weight and box height as...Read More
TODAY’S WORKOUT Strength: Barbell Lunge 5 x 5rm / leg Workout: “DT” 12 Deadlifts 9 Hang Power Cleans 6 Push Presses Rx for men is 155lbs, women 105lbs. Goal: To finish all 5 rounds within 20 min time CAP. For this workout you will want to scale weight accordingly so it is challenging but also...Read More