WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Bench Press building WOD: [ Black and Blue ] 5 rds of- 10 Power Cleans 10 Burpees 8min Cap L1-135/95 L2/M-95/65 L3-65/45, squat thrust Core Buy-Out: 3 x 15 weighted Hip bridges on a bench, 55sec hang between each setRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: F Squat building WOD: [ Jericho ] 200m Run 15 Pull-ups 20 Plyo Lunges x 4 rds (14 min cap) L1- rx L2/M- banded, alt L3- row, V-row, A squat Core Buy-Out: 4 x 12 Strict TTB/KTE/ Bench Roll-upsRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Speed DL building 50-60% of 1rm, try to be as explosive as possible, safe straight spine WOD: [ Tai Rooster ] 200m Run 20 P Press 300m Run 30 Power Jerks 400m Run 40/30 Dips L1-135/95 L2/M-95/65, Ring Push-ups L3-65/45, run 200m, Push-ups 14min CapRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Speed Bench Press across, 50-60% of 1rm, try to be as explosive as possible WOD: [ Bose ] 20 Wall Balls 15 Push-ups 10 Pull-ups 15min AMRAP L1-20/14 to 10′ L2/M- 14/10 to 9′, Banded L3- 10/6 to 9′, V-rowsRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: F Squat speed squat, try to be as explosive as possible with each set (50-60% of 1rm) WOD: [ Chevron ] 15-12-9-6-3 Power Snatch Burpee L1-95/65 L2/M- 75/55 L3- KB (36/18) 10min CapRead More
Good luck to all our EXP Athletes racing the Timberman 1/2 Ironman today! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Open Gym ] Open gym 9:15-10:15am! Read More