The CF EXP Fall 4 Some is just 10 days away! Sign ups will close 1 week from today, Wednesday October 30th. Be sure to get those teams signed up and practice the WODS! WOD 1: Evans C&J Total (Sponsored by Evans on the Common) 600m Run Clean & Jerk Team Total 8min CAP Entire...Read More
From the members: "I know what your thinking, why is a 13 year old doing CrossFit? Well, CrossFit has made a HUGE impact on me. It helps prepare me for sports like skiing and cross country, but it also relieves stress after a long day. CrossFit is not only a great workout system it has...Read More
Have you tested out the "The Devil's Tricycle," formally known as the Airdyne yet? We have an awesome list of brave athletes from this week, if you haven't been on it yet, make it a goal this week! JV 2:18 Dave L 2:40 Tiff 2:50 Jackson 2:35 Matt E 2:20 Sam E 2:20 Pat 2:19 Mika 2:47...Read More
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. -Helen Keller Mason WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: None. WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Open Gym 9:15-10:15am Come make up a WOD from the week or work on a strength or skill! Buy-Out: None. Team Training: Rest Day! Post scores and...Read More
Mobility Class TODAY 10:30-11:00am! Jennifer St. Laurent will be leading us through a 30 minute mobility class. Jennifer is the owner of the Dolphin Studio in Leominster where she runs Pilates, Yoga and TRX Classes. Her knowledge in "lengthening and strengthening" is a great compliment to our CrossFit classes. Stay after the 9:15 class for a...Read More
Mobility Class Saturday 10/19/13 10:30-11:00am! Jennifer St. Laurent will be leading us through a 30 minute mobility class. Jennifer is the owner of the Dolphin Studio in Leominster where she runs Pilates, Yoga and TRX Classes. Her knowledge in "lengthening and strengthening" is a great compliment to our CrossFit classes. Stay after the 9:15 class...Read More
Good luck to coach Stacey as she walks the Avon walk for Breast Cancer in New York this weekend! It's not too late to donate. Head over to her donation page to contribute! Save the Date! This Saturday from 10:30-11:00am Jennifer St. Laurent will be leading us through a 30 minute mobility session. All are welcome. ...Read More
From the members: "I started Crossfit Exp the beginning of July and its now 6 weeks later and i've lost a total 4 inches off my waist and 3 inches off my hips that's just a little of the inches i've lost. My cloths are getting way to big. One of my goals is to...Read More
Special thanks to Brian and Kristen from 4 Star Productions for volunteering their time and amazing talent at our Barbells for Boobs fundraiser this past weekend. Here is a pic they put together from our EXP Kids heat. Their pictures earned us $440 towards our Barbells for Boobs donation! Thank you both! WORKOUT Of the...Read More
Happy Columbus Day. We have one class today at 9:15am. Come on in for a fun and challenging HERO WOD! WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: None WOD: [Little RJ] 800m Run 30 Pull-ups 50 Push-ups 3 RFT 30min CAP Buy-Out: None Team Training: 20 Muscle-ups for time pre-WOD Post scores and comments below.Read More