WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ 17.2 ] 12 min AMRAP: 50′ DB Walking Lunge 16 TTB 8 DB Power Cleans x2 Rds 50′ DB Walking Lunge 16 Bar Muscle Ups 8 DB Power Cleans x2 Rds Continuing to alternating every 2 rounds. Variations: Scaled= 35/20# DB, Hanging Knee Raises & Chin Over...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: L Sit Holds ME attempts, rest 1-2min between attempts Hold L Sit using- Rings Paralletes Boxes/ Benches WOD: [ Partner Wod ] Complete each task as a team- Row 2000m 200 Partner leg tosses 300 sec. Wall Sit* 300 sec. Hover* -OTMEM EACH partner has to do 3 burpees * only...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Push Press building WOD: [ Daisy ] 15 Pull ups 20 Wall Balls 300m Run on 4mins x 3 rds 12mins L1- CTB, 20/14 L2/M- BW, 14/10, 200m L3-V-rows, 10/6, 150m run or rowRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ 17.1 ] Come take another GO at OPEN WOD 17.1 or make it up if you weren’t in class Friday. Heats will go off between 9:15-10:15am!Read More
ARE YOU READY? The first workout of the 2017 CrossFit OPEN is announced live TONIGHT at 8pm! You can watch all the fun at WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Steady state cardio ] – pick an option- Run 2-3 miles Row 4-5000m A-Dyne 4-6 miles 1min JR, 1min Burpees x 10 rds...Read More
HUGE Congrats to Christine R for setting a new US Record, 46kg Snatch!!! Woohooo!! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ 20/40 Intervals x 8 sets (all out!) ] -Row (Cals) 1min rest -Burpees 1min rest -A-Dyne (total Dist) -50’Shuttle Run 1min rest rest 4mins, then Alternating 40/20 for 10 total sets- Sit-ups (anchored)...Read More