WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Back Squat 10.10.10 across -shoot for a little less weight then your 10rm, but try to hit the same weight for all three sets. WOD: [ Start ] 18,15,12,9,6,3 Box Jump TTB Burpee L1- 24/20, rx L2/M- 20/14, KTE L3- 14/ plate, Knee raise, squat thrust 15min CapRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Clean (Full) Building WOD: [ Boulder ] 30 B Squats 20 P Snatches x 3 rds L1-95/65 L2/M-75/55 L3-45/25 12min capRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Alt OTMEM (12mins) A) Choose a pressing exercise you can maintain 5-7 reps across for majority of 10 sets- – Ring Dip -HSPU (kip or Strict) -Ring Push-up -Push-up B) 1-2 Rope Climb variations- -Legless -rope climb – Rope hang for 20sec -8-10 V-rows WOD: [ Jackie ] 1000m Row 50...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Down Ladder ] 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 KB Swing KB Goblet Lunge (L+R=2) -20 D-unders AFTER each set of swings and lunges L1-53/35 L2/M-44/26 L3-35/18, 2 x singles 15min Cap -at the 20min mark- Intervals- 30/30 shuttle sprints x 10 sets/ person (partner up)Read More