WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ on 4 Minutes ] 400m Run Max Reps in remaining time, rest 1 min between rds Rd1- Pull Ups Rd2- Box Jump Rd3- KBs Rd4- HSPU Rd5- Hollow Rocks 25mins Then rest 4mins, 30sec ult. abs x 3 rds -V-ups -Roll-ups -Dbl crunches -leg liffs -Strict Sit-ups...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ 17.2 ] Come take another GO at OPEN WOD 17.2 or make it up if you weren’t in class Friday. Heats will go off between 9:15-10:15am!Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ 17.2 ] 12 min AMRAP: 50′ DB Walking Lunge 16 TTB 8 DB Power Cleans x2 Rds 50′ DB Walking Lunge 16 Bar Muscle Ups 8 DB Power Cleans x2 Rds Continuing to alternating every 2 rounds. Variations: Scaled= 35/20# DB, Hanging Knee Raises & Chin Over...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: L Sit Holds ME attempts, rest 1-2min between attempts Hold L Sit using- Rings Paralletes Boxes/ Benches WOD: [ Partner Wod ] Complete each task as a team- Row 2000m 200 Partner leg tosses 300 sec. Wall Sit* 300 sec. Hover* -OTMEM EACH partner has to do 3 burpees * only...Read More
Today is #RareDiseaseDay 2017! Today, with events taking place in over 90 countries all around the world, we hope to raise more awareness than ever for rare diseases! With the theme of research, and the slogan, ‘With research, the possibilities are limitless’, #RareDiseaseDay 2017 is an opportunity to call on all researchers, universities, students, companies,...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Push Press building WOD: [ Daisy ] 15 Pull ups 20 Wall Balls 300m Run on 4mins x 3 rds 12mins L1- CTB, 20/14 L2/M- BW, 14/10, 200m L3-V-rows, 10/6, 150m run or rowRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ 17.1 ] Come take another GO at OPEN WOD 17.1 or make it up if you weren’t in class Friday. Heats will go off between 9:15-10:15am!Read More