The 2015 CrossFit OPENS Registration is now LIVE!! What is the Open? It is the preliminary stage of the CrossFit games. Open to one and all. The top 20 men and 20 women as well top 15 teams in each region will qualify for one of 17 Regional Competitions. At the regional level people compete...Read More
In order to give both current and new members the best experience possible, we ask that if you invite a guest to class with you- please have them complete the FREE WEEK INTRO FORM at least 24 hours before their first class. Thanks! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: 5x3rm DL WOD: [ Equip ] 75 DB Thrusters...Read More
In order to give both current and new members the best experience possible, we ask that if you invite a guest to class with you- please have them complete the FREE WEEK INTRO FORM at least 24 hours before their first class. Thanks! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Chicken ] 10 rounds alternating with Partner at the...Read More
Congratulations to our High Achievers! These members came 15+ times from December 1st- January 3rd! They were able to make their health a priority during the busiest time of the year! Great job everyone! A special congrats to Josh D and Adam T for being our winners for the EXP Swag! Josh won a T-Shirt...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: 5x5rm Push Jerk WOD: [ Swing me Right Round ] 50 KB Swings (heavy) for time- -at the 5min mark- 10 DL’s 10 Box Jumps 10 Pull-ups x 12 min AMRAP L1-185/135,24/20 L2-135/95, 20/14 L3- 95/65, 14/plate Post scores in comments below.Read More
TEAM MAXIMUS: SUPER BOWL SQUARES FUNDRAISER! This is a Fundraiser for Team Maximus Normandin-2015 Best Buddies Challenge! This year, coach Nick Normandin along with Noah Normandin, Kathy Hayward and Lorie & Chris Landry will be riding 100 miles and Tiffany Normandin will be running a 5K as part of the 2015 Best Buddies Challenge on...Read More
Join Nick’s indoor cycling class TODAY beginning at 7:30am! Check out the information on what you need for class HERE! Hope to see you there! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Open Gym 9:15-10:15am. Come make up a workout from the week or work on a strength or skill! Post...Read More
**Reminder** Our EXP Holiday Party is TONIGHT 7-10pm at the Wachusett Brewery! We hope to see you there! January Birthday Wishes Party is just around the corner! On January 20th, we will host our 3nd party at the Leominster Boys and Girls Club. This month, we have 17 Birthday children! The list of items needed...Read More
Here’s a sneak peak at what our EXP Sweatpants will look like printed! Be sure to TRY ON THE SIZES at the gym and SIGN UP for your pair by this Sunday 1/11/15 to have yours ordered! Jenn’s Mobility class will be cancelled until further notice. **Reminder** Our EXP Holiday Party is this SATURDAY 7-10pm...Read More
Jenn’s Mobility class will be cancelled until further notice. **Reminder** Our EXP Holiday Party is this SATURDAY 7-10pm at the Wachusett Brewery! We hope to see you there! Effective immediately: NO GYM BAGS will be allowed in the training room. Great job on everyone using the lobby this week! We appreciate your cooperation! WORKOUT OF...Read More