WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:Jerk Complex-3 Push Press2 Power Jerks1 Split Jerk building over 7 sets Or Strict Press (3 warm-up sets, 4 sets across)-Goal is old 5rm score from week 1 testing for 4 working sets” WOD: (Push the limits.) 18-15-12-9Push JerkPull-upRun 200m after each round L1 (RX)- 115/80, CTBsL2 (Scaled)-...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Pausing Split Jerk* building Or Shoulder Press building *pause at bottom of dip portion of jerk, then drive up and split feet as usual, catch bar on shoulders and repeat for a 2nd and third rep. WOD: (Fired up FRIDAY!!!) Run 1 mile (8min cap)100 sit upsRun 800m...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Ring Dip 3 ME sets on 2mins , then 3-5 reps OTMEM x 6mins, 2-2-2 tempo* * Tempo= 2-2-2 means down for 2sec, pause at bottom for 2sec, hold at top for 2 sec. Or Bench Press building -If M-ups are there, do 3-5 Ring M-ups OTMEM x...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: DeadLifts building WOD: (To Partner or Not to Partner? That is the question.) Partner Wod 20min AMRAP 20 Pull-ups 30 DB Thrusters 40 Partner MB Sit-ups Individual wod- 10 pull-ups 15 DB Thrusters 20 Sit-ups with a MB 20min AMRAP L1- CTBs, 50/35 DBs, 30/20 L2- BW, 35/20, 20/14 L3- Jumping,...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 10-15 Ring Push-ups/ 10-15 Ring Dips, or 3-5 Ring M-ups x 5 sets on 2minswith 10-12 band pull-aparts between each set WOD: (Swing Burpee, Burpee!) 5 Burpee Box Jumps10 KB Swingsx 8 Rds L1- 24/20, 70/53L2/M- 20/14, 53/35L3- burpee no box, 35/18 14min CAP Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY Strength: Power Snatch WOD: (Up and away) 7 CTBs11 Box Jumps15 V-ups x 6 Rds L1- 3/2 M-ups (rings), 30/20L2- CTB, 24/20L3- Jump CTB, 20/14 15min CapRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Barbell Underhand Grip (Supinated) Bent Over Row 12reps, on 2mins x 6 sets WOD: (Hammer Time) 10 DLs20 Pull-up30 Sit-ups x 4 Rds L1- 275/185L2- 205/ 145, BandedL3- 135/95, Jumping 16min CAP Buy Out at the 20min mark 12 DB Hammer Curls then 10 Barbell Ab wheels on 2mins x...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Picking it up and putting it down.) Partner Wod- Male teams- X,000 lbs of weight per exercise Female Teams- X,000lbs of weight per exercise- B SquatFloor Bench PressDLTeam chooses mutual weight for each movement, you can change weight after you complete 1 movement L1- M-20,000, F-15,000L2/M- M-15,000, F-12,000L3-M-10,000,...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: DeadLift across Superset with 10 Rocky (Dragon Flag) Sit-ups between each warm-up and working set until 5 sets are complete WOD: (Rocky’s Dragon) 15min AMRAP15 DLs 20 Push-ups25 Sit-up L1- 225/135L2- 155/105, incline Push-upL3- 135/85, knee Push-upsRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Power Clean complex 1 high hang clean 1 hang cleans 1 TnG clean or Hang power clean WOD: (The Golden Ticket) 18 KBs 15 WBs 12 Burpees x 4 Rds L1- 80/62, 30/20 L2- 53/35, 20/14 L3- 35/18, 14/10, squat thrusts 12minsRead More