WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: Clean and Jerk building (95% or higher), Or DB Step-up 6/ side superset w/ DB strict Shoulder press WOD: [ NER 12.2 ] 2000m Row (or 1mile run, 10min cap for both) 50 Pistols 30 Hang Power Cleans 20min Cap L1- pistol, 155/105 L2/M- row 1750m, Assit. pistol, 115/80...Read More
WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: OHS building or B Squat WOD: [ Back to the Grind ] 10 Pull-Up 10 B Squat 20 Push-ups 20 Sit-up x 4 Rds L1- CTB, 155/105 L2/M-bw, 115/80 L3-65/35 15 min cap Read More
**Reminder: NO 6:30PM CLASS TONIGHT!** WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Jerk across 90% or DB Complex 10 DB Bench Press 10 DB Rows/ side (Same wt) 20 Hollow Rocks x 5-6 Rds WOD: [ Fully Charged ] 9 HSPUs 12 Pull-ups 15 Box Js 18 KBs 21 A Squats x 3 Rds L1- Strict/def, CTB,...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Snatch @90% across Or Strict Strength DL across, heavier then last week Superset with- L-sit hold ME between each set WOD: [ Sharpie] Row 1000m 100 Sit-ups Row 500m 50 Sit ups Row 250m 25 Sit-ups L1-rx L2/M- 800/80, 400/40,200,20 L3-600/60, 300/30,150/15 20min capRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Clean and Jerk 1 OTMEM @90% for 10min across OR–>Strict Strength BB Rear Stepping Lunge (10 total steps) Superset with – Strict DB shoulder Press 10rm WOD: [ 10min AMRAP ] 10 P Cleans 10 Push-ups L1-115/80 L2/M-95/65 L3-10 KBs, 10 BurpeesRead More