WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:None WOD(Opens 18.1) 20 Min AMRAP of 8 Toe to Bar 10 DB Hang clean and Jerk 14/12 Cal Row Men:50lb DB Woman: 35lb DBRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:NONE WOD(Peace of Mind) Partner Wod 8min AMRAP, 2min rest of- 1) Run 200m- ME Burpees 2) Run 200m- ME Cals on Bike 3) Run 200m- ME Cals on Rower Thanks to RX Photography for catching this awesome photo of Amanda!Read More
The 2018 CrossFit OPEN Registration is now LIVE!! You may have heard some members & coaches talking about the Upcoming CrossFit OPEN. Here’s how it works.. WHAT IS THE OPEN? It is the preliminary stage of the CrossFit games. Open to one and all. The top 20 men and 20 women as well top...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Bench Press building WOD(Bread & Butter) 20/40 Intervals x 6 sets (all out!) rotating through each round -Row (Cals) -Burpees -A-Bike (total Cals) 18mins rest 3mins, then Alternating 40/20 for 6 total sets- Sit-ups (anchored) Hollow Holds 6mins 24mins totalRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: A) Strict Pull-ups 3-5 Reps – Holds – Negatives -Strict – CTB strict B) 2 way Monster walks rd 1- forward backwards rd 2- side to side x 6-8 sets WOD(Georgia Peach) 4min AMRAP Squat Clean and Jerks rest 3mins 3min AMRAP Power Cleans Rest 2mins 2min AMRAP DLs...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Come on in and make up a workout from the past week or work on a goat. Open gym hours are 7am -8:45 am. Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:NONE WOD(Pounds) Partner Wod- Male teams- X,000 lbs of weight per exercise Female Teams- X,000lbs of weight per exercise- B Squat Floor Bench Press DL Team chooses mutual weight for each movement, you can change weight after you complete 1 movement L1- M-20,000, F-15,000 L2/M- M-15,000, F-12,000 L3-M-10,000, 7,000 ...Read More
We are really excited to announce the launch of our next EXP Kids program! We have made some great changes such as adding in more groups to split up the ages as well as adding in a Saturday group for the Pre-Teens and Teens! Registration is now LIVE and the 6 week program begins February...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: OHS building (around 70% of 1rm) WOD(Bear) 100 D-unders Then 10 DB Thrusters 10 Pull-ups x 5 Rds Then 100 D-unders L1-30/20 L2/M-25/15, jumping, 1/2 dubs L3-20/12, V-rows, Singles x2 15min Cap Read More