WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: NONE WOD: [Refresh] Partner Wod- 2x 150m Lunge while other does ME KBS 2x 300m Sandbag carry (50/30) while other rows for ME cals 2x 300m F Carry (53/35 Kbs) while partner does ME Burpee -Score is overall time minus total reps (in sec) of KB+Cals+Burpees 40min Cap ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Back Squat across WOD: [Breakfast] 30 D-unders 15 KBS 10 Ring Push-ups x 7 Rds L1-70/53, Dips L2/M-53/35, rings L3-35/18, toe/ incline 16minsRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: NONE WOD: [Team CF Triathlon] With a partner, break each exercise into any increment as a team 3,000m Row 5 mile Bike 2 mile run 40min Cap Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Hang squat Clean building WOD: [Storks] 4 Hang P Cleans 4 Burpees over bar 8min AMRAP L1-205/145 L2/M-135/95 L3-95/65 Read More
**Gym reminder: There will be NO 10:30am class this Saturday 06/24/2017** WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: NONE WOD: [Peas and Carrots] 1 mile, alternating laps, Then- Run 800m while partner does as many bear crawl laps as possible, 50ft =1 rep then switch Run 600m while partner does as many walking lunges as possible, 50ft=...Read More
**Gym reminder: There will be NO 10:30am class this Saturday 06/24/2017** WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: OHS WOD: [Bouquet] 12 Box Jumps 10 F Squats 8 TTBs x 5 Rds L1-24/20, 115/80 L2/M- 20/14, 75/55 L3-14/ plate, 45/25 15mins Read More