Good luck to our Master athletes who are heading down to Rhode Island to compete in the 2017 North East Master’s Classic tomorrow. Good luck guys and go get’em. WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH:NONE WOD (Classic) 20 burpees 20 Box Jumps (24/20) 20 KB swings (53/35) 20 wall balls (20/14) 200m Run 20 MB Sit-ups...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD (Tommy Bahama) Partner Wod 400m Tire Drag (45/25) 400m Farmers Carry (45/30) 400m Sandbag Run (40/30) 4 Suicide runs, 5 cones (2 per person) Row 500m AFTER each task (250m/partner) break up the Tasks any order ...Read More
Congratulations to all those who PR’d this past Saturday! WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 3rm Clean (Full), touch and go (Test#4) WOD (Ascent) 3 squat cleans (75% of 3rm) 6 burpees x 6min amrap Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Strict Ring Dip (Test#2) Best out of 3 attempts: -Rings -Matadore/ Jerk Boxes -Ring Support Hold or -Close Grip (wrists touching ribs) 3rm Bench WOD (Diggs) Run 5k (Test#3) Run 15.5 laps for time L1-15 laps L2-12.5 laps (2.5 miles) L3-10 Laps (2 miles) 25min cap * if non-impact, row...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 3rm Snatch(Full), touch and go (Test#1) or 3rm OHS (if you cannot OHS 135/95, choose the OHS Test *if no OHS of Snatch, 3rm B Squat WOD (Wind River) 10 Pull-ups 20 sit ups 6 Rds L1- CTB L2-BW L3-V-row (12min Cap) ...Read More
Good luck to all our EXP athletes competing in our internal comp. Please remember there are no classes for Saturday. Please see the information below regarding our comp details. Comp details Athletes please arrive no later than 7:15am for this Saturday’s Internal Comp. Teams are encouraged to bring a crafty team name...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Run 2-3 miles or Row 3-4k or A Bike 4-5 miles (20min Cap) WOD (Harvest Moon) Mobility Day 1. LX Ball- 1 min/ side (6mins total) -Shoulder blades -Glutes -Feet 2. Foam Roll- 1 min/ side (11mins) -Calves -Quads -Inner Thigh -IT Band -T-Spine -Lats 3. Lower Body Stretch- 1...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Bench Press 10rm (Re-TEST 1) WOD (Dragon Whispers) 12min AMRAP 8 P Cleans 8 P Jerks 8 Pull-ups L1-135/95 L2/M-95/65 L3-65/45 Read More