Good luck to our Masters Team at CrossFit 508 today! To follow along with their comp check out the FB Page HERE! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Open Gym ] Open gym 9:15-10:15am. Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: L Sit Holds ME attempts, rest 1-2min between attempts Hold L Sit using- Rings Paralletes Boxes/ Benches Hollow Rock Hold WOD: [ Climbing ] 0-5min 50 Burpees for time, rest up to 5min 5-25min AMRAP of- 200m Rower 20 Mt Climbers (20/ side) 20 KB Upright rows 40 D Under...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Goat Day OTMEM x 10min Choose One that you can maintain 4-6 reps across for majority of 10 sets- – Ring Dip -HSPU (kip or Strict) -Ring Push-up -Push-up WOD: [ 1 Min Drills ] 1min ME- Box Jump 1min ME-DL 1min Rest x 3 sets L1-24/20, 185/135 L2/M-20/14, 155/105...Read More
FULL CLASS SCHEDULE TODAY! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: B Squat 10RM (Test 1) WOD: [ Xtra ] 6 Burpee 8 P Snatch x 10 Rds L1-75/55 L2/M-65/45 L3-45/25 15min capRead More