WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Team of 4 ] 250m Row 20 Hollow Rocks 20 Plyo / Alt Lunges rest Team score is total rounds in 30min *No one can move forward until you + 3 working teammates compete each task.Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Thruster Across + 1 ME set, all sets @ 95% of 5rm WOD: [ Spider Monkey ] 5 B Squats* 6 Burpees x 7 Rds *Done at your 5rm Thruster wt. 10minRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Back Squat Across + 1 ME set, all sets @ 95% of 5rm WOD: [ Lucky Dice ] 600m Run (3min Cap) Then 6 Rds of- 10 Push-ups 10 KB Swings Then 600m Run L1-600m, 70/53 L2/M-400m, 53/35, incline L3-300m, 35/18, incline 14min CapRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: HSPU- 3 ME sets on 2min then 1-3 reps OTMEM for 12min total or Strict Press- 5.5.5. Across + 1ME set, ( 90% of 5rm) WOD: [ Staring Line ] 8 Dips (same version as Elizabeth) 10 Alt Pistols 12 Pull ups 24 D-unders 16min AMRAP 12min L1- dip, pistol,...Read More
Today starts our ROW-VEMBER!!! Just like previous years, our goal throughout the month of November is to have as many members row 100, 000m by the end of the month as possible. That is under 3, 500m/ day, and we had a very large group of people complete the challenge last year! On the last Saturday...Read More
Happy Halloween! Wear your silly costumes to class today! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Back Squat 5.5.5. Across + 1 ME set, all sets at 90% of 5rm WOD: [ Climbing ] 1 P Jerk 2 F squats 3 P Cleans x 6min AMRAP L1-135/95 L2/M-95/65 L3-65/45Read More