Great 4th of July class who all tackeled “Morrisson” in honor of one of our country’s Heros. Schedule for 4th of July Week: Friday: 9:15am & 5:15pm only followed by Grill N Chill Saturday & Sunday: normal classes We are looking for volunteers for our CF EXP Summer Smackdown 7/13 & 7/14. If you are...Read More
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! Schedule for 4th of July Week: Thursday: Open gym 7-9am with organized WOD at 8am Friday: 9:15am & 5:15pm only followed by Grill N Chill Saturday & Sunday: normal classes We are looking for volunteers for our CF EXP Summer Smackdown 7/13 & 7/14. If you are interested in volunteering for...Read More
Schedule for 4th of July Week: Monday-Wednesday: normal classes Thursday: Open gym 7-9am with organized WOD at 8am Friday: 9:15am & 5:15pm only followed by Grill N Chill Saturday & Sunday: normal classes We are looking for volunteers for our CF EXP Summer Smackdown 7/13 & 7/14. If you are interested in volunteering for one...Read More
Schedule for 4th of July Week: Monday-Wednesday: normal classes Thursday: Open gym 7-9am with organized WOD at 8am Friday: 9:15am & 5:15pm only followed by Grill N Chill Saturday & Sunday: normal classes We are looking for volunteers for our CF EXP Summer Smackdown 7/13 & 7/14. If you are interested in volunteering for one...Read More
Schedule for 4th of July Week: Monday-Wednesday: normal classes Thursday: Open gym 7-9am with organized WOD at 8am Friday: 9:15am & 5:15pm only followed by Grill N Chill Saturday & Sunday: normal classes We are looking for volunteers for our CF EXP Summer Smackdown 7/13 & 7/14. If you are interested in volunteering for one...Read More
Reminder: this week starts our EXTENDED Sunday open gym hours: 8:30-10:30. Stop by for “Power Sundays!” Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. -Coach Darrel Royal ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Skill/Strength: None. WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Buy-out: None. Post scores to comment box below. Read More
Reminder: this week starts our EXTENDED Sunday open gym hours: 8:30-10:30. Stop by for “Power Sundays!” Who’s signed up for the Throwdownn??? Day 1: Saturday July 13th- Individual Competition 4 WODS + Final for top 10 40 spots per division RX Standards: (Male/Female) Body Weight Pull Ups Snatch: 115# / 75# Clean & Jerk: 135#...Read More
CrossFit – “Randy” Hero WOD Demo with Malleolo Beginning this week, every Friday night there will be a Grill N’ Chill! Starting at 7:30- ??. We will have the grill & some games. Bring something to share and some beverages. Friends & Family are welcome! ……………………………… If you haven’t done so already make sure to...Read More
Be sure to head over to Reebok CrossFit One this weekend to cheer on Coach Steph who is competing in the Nor’Easter Master’s Competition! Beginning this week, every Friday night there will be a Grill N’ Chill! Starting at 7:30- ??. We will have the grill & some games. Bring something to share and some...Read More
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. -Vince Lombardi Beginning this week, every Friday night there will be a Grill N’ Chill! Starting at 7:30- ??. We will...Read More